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I flip the box open with my thumb, and her hands go up to her face, covering her gaping mouth. Inside the box is the ornate, whimsical ring that she wanted so badly. The ring that was perfect for her. And there’s no way I’ll let her wear anything else on that pretty little finger.

“Tonight, everyone will know we’re married. And I couldn’t feel more honored that you’re my wife. But this is your ring, Ambs.”

She drops her hands and kneels in front of me. I’m sure we look ridiculous, both of us kneeling inside my closet, which looks like a tornado tore through it.

“You’re too good to me.”

“You deserve everything good, and I plan to remind you of that frequently.”

Amber leans in and kisses me softly before taking the box from my hand and slipping her old ring off and replacing it with the new one. It looks perfect on her hand, just like I knew it would.

“It’s gorgeous.” She kisses me again.

Nella fusses, arching her back to push away from me. Amber laughs and takes her daughter, snuggling her close. “Your daddy is so good to us, baby girl.”

Daddy. I like the sound of that. No, I love the sound of that.

We walk out of the closet together, and Amber turns to me. She narrows her eyes and asks, “If you’ve purchased any other over the top items for me, can you tell me now? I’m not sure I can handle any more surprises.”

I roll my lips with my teeth. I hadn’t planned on outing myself just yet.

“Ford Remington. What did you do?”

I scratch the tip of my nose, thinking of a way out of this conversation, knowing there isn’t one.

Amber sighs. “Out with it.”

I blow out a breath. “You know the salon?”

Her eyes widen, looking like they might fall right out of her head. “Ford.”

“It has a new silent owner.”


That night, when we skate onto the ice for pre-game warmup, all the nerves I feel at facing the Atlanta Cyclones—one of our toughest competitors—fades away.

Because my eyes shoot straight to the area behind our net where the families always sit. Every game I see Mel, Andie and her little brother, Noah, and even Noel. But the way my heart pounds when I see my family there…it’s unreal.

My girls are dressed in my number—and my name. Amber is wearing my ring—I can see it twinkling in the overhead lights. She beams when she sees me, and she makes Nella’s hand come up in a wave. Amber’s hair is done in bubble braids, which I know the name of because she tried them on Nella last week, but her hair wasn’t long enough.

I blow them each a kiss and notice the cameraman behind the glass snapping photos furiously. Amber acts like she’s going to kiss the glass and I laugh. Martie, the social media manager who takes all the photos during our games, is eating this up.

As odd as it might seem to me, fans will go wild when they learn their team captain is married. Fans feel a certain amount of camaraderie with us, even following our wives or girlfriends on social media, wanting an inside look at our lives.

And the knowledge that tonight, everyone in the world will know that Amber is mine makes my chest puff out. Just a little.

I stare into Amber’s eyes, and she smiles a secret smile.

A smile that promises a lifetime of love.

And I smile right back.



I’m back in the closet, but now I have one whole side for my things. Yes, in the last week Ford has cleared out his dresser and one side of the closet for me. And he took me shopping for work clothes. He says I have to get used to him spoiling me and that he won’t apologize for it.
