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Lewis blinks in surprise. “Valentina? Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about her. Sure, she’s super serious and comes across as a little intimidating, but she’s always been nice to me.”

“Really?” I say, still playing the part of the nervous new assistant. It isn’t too far off from the truth. I turn to Gage. “Do you know her well, too?”

Gage opens his mouth to answer and then pauses. He furrows his brow and thinks for a moment. “You know, I don’t know much about her outside of work. I guess I’d echo what Lewis said. She’s fair and a hard worker.”

I look at Amber, who shrugs. “I brought her Chinese once and she liked it.”

It sounds like Tarek’s VP is incredibly private, a favorable trait in a spy.

We finish up lunch, and I’m nearly back to my cubicle when I’m intercepted by the last person I want to see.


“Yes, Angel?” I say hesitantly.

“Didn’t I ask you to make copies for everyone in the meeting?"

“Isn’t that what I did?”

Angel glowers. “There are eight people in the meeting and only seven copies.”

“But I thought one of them was going to be out of town tomorrow?”

“And? Devin will be attending virtually and will need the notes when he returns. Honestly, Sloane, I don’t know how you got this position when you’re so obviously a rube.”

And then she walks away, leaving me to gape at her back. My nails dig into my palm. She thinks I’m incompetent. Well, just wait until she sees me uncover the spy that’s lurking in her domain. I almost hope it is her, just so she can see how competent I really am.



She’s supposed to be here.

I just got home, but my ‘guest’ isn't waiting by my front door like expected. There’s no sign of her car anywhere. I reach out and check my cell phone.

I try to stifle my rage, seeing there aren’t any messages. Gripping my cell like a vice, I decide destroying a perfectly good phone won’t do her any harm. I shove it back in my pocket.

“‘Bout time you got here, boss.”

I leap five feet in the air, nearly breaking the porch ceiling with my strong as titanium head.

She’s in the corner rocking a smirk, arms folded as she leans back against the porch.

“Why would you think that’s okay?” I yell, probably waking the neighborhood.

Her face falls. Is she embarrassed? “I just, you know, thought I’d show off my skills.”

“No, you showed me your skills before you got the job!” I unlock the door to my house, and we step inside. “All you did here was park a block away and hide in the darkness like some kind of psychopath!”

“Nice place,” she says, looking at the vast, empty entryway as I push the door open.

She doesn’t see the drawback of owning nine bedrooms with nobody to occupy them. “Yes, that’s the funny thing about running a tech company. You can suddenly afford nice places.”

She follows me into the living room like some kind of lost dog.

“You act like what you did outside was impressive, but it’s not. If you wanted to show off your skills, why would you startle me outside?” I huff, even though I should probably let it go. “Why wouldn’t you break in and wait for me in my own dining room or something?”

She says nothing as I flip on the light, illuminating a cluttered table full of paper and magazines with two deliberately placed cans of soda.
