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If I didn’t have eyes on me, I’d have half a mind to take a piece of art home for myself. The lounging naked mermaid statue by the water fountain would look great in my living room if you ask me.

After getting the keycard to my room, I spot a map of the hotel hanging on the lobby wall. I take note of the swimming pool in the back, complete with water slides and a poolside bar. I didn’t think to bring a swimsuit, but luckily, there’s a gift shop on the bottom floor that probably sells them.

“How many floors does this place have, anyway?” Amber asks as we wait for the elevator. “My room is on the ninth, apparently.”

“I believe there’s ten,” Jarek says. “The higher the room, the bigger it is.”

Me and Amber exchange excited grins as we all crowd into the elevator.

Once I reach my room, I’m taken aback by how massive it is. Light shines in through a stained glass window, casting the bed in a colorful ray of light. I flop down onto the comforters and let out a delighted sigh.

I peek into the bathroom and spot the jacuzzi bathtub. There’s a selection of soaps and lotions sitting on the sink, each one bearing a different fragrance. Those are definitely coming home with me in my luggage.

Before I can turn on the bath water, I hear a knock at my door. Ugh. I’m tempted to ignore it.

“Don’t get too comfy, young lady!” Angel yells.

I realize she’s not gonna screw off until I talk to her so I begrudgingly yank the door open. “What is it?”

Angel huffs. “I’m sure you’re eager to take advantage of this hotel’s amenities. But we’re here for a reason, and because I don’t trust you not to goof off, I’m going to keep you busy.”

As always, Angel’s goal is to be a massive bitch and squash any single shred of fun she sees. Should have seen that coming.

I spot Amber heading to her room, which happens to be across from mine. She flicks Angel an annoyed look over her shoulder. Her narrowed eyes tell me she’s not a fan.

“Alright, whatever. What do you want?” I ask.

“I want you to go down to the gift shop and get me some unscented lotion,” Angel says. Amber, standing a couple of feet behind Angel, sticks her tongue out and mimes her words with a mocking hand puppet gesture. I hold back a laugh.

“The lotion they’ve provided at this hotel is disgusting,” Angel continues. “Vanilla bean, really? I’m not a Christmas cookie! I swear, it’s like they…”

She trails off and looks back at Amber with a skeptical expression. Amber hurries into her room before Angel can scold her. She rolls her eyes and faces me again. “Anyway, get that lotion for me ASAP.”

“On it,” I respond with a sigh.

As Angel flutters off, I lock my room and make my way to the elevator.

The door opens, and as I step in with my gaze lowered, I notice the other guy in the elevator does not have feet but a snake tail. Looking up, my heart sinks as I realize it’s none other than the slimy, snobbish naga known as Craig.

Alright, keep your cool. Now’s your chance to find out where his room is.

“Which floor are you headed to, sir?” I ask with a forced grin.

“Ten,” Craig says, not glancing away from his phone.

“Me, too!” I press the button to the tenth floor.

As the elevator ascends, I release the breath I’ve been holding. Judging by the man’s stiff posture and lack of eye contact, I suspect he’s not the chatty type.

But it’s better if Craig doesn’t know who I am, honestly. And considering how he’s sucked into his phone screen, he’s probably going to forget me the second he steps out of the elevator, if not sooner.

It dings open, and Craig hustles out before I can. Whatever happened to ladies first?

Regardless, I let Craig get ahead, keeping a good distance between us as we make our way down the hall. I watch him stop at room 1015, unlock his door, and slither inside.

With a grin, I tiptoe over and give the door a quick look-over.

I spot the two-step lock system – a slot for a key card and an additional screen with a pin pad, presumably to type in a code.
