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I let out a chuckle. “If I start snoring and you have a problem with it, you have permission to sleep on the damn couch.”

She giggles. “Fair enough,” she says with a yawn.

I turn to her. “How many orcs have you slept with, anyway?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sloane teases. “Also, define ‘slept with.’”

“On second thought, maybe don’t answer that question,” I say.

The thought of Sloane having slept with another orc, in any sense of the word, fills me with a sense of jealousy that I am not willing to unpack.

“That’s what I thought,” Sloane says. Pulling the covers up a bit higher, she adjusts her position and exhales. “Anyway, night-night. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Sleep well,” I respond.

A peaceful silence falls between us. Sloane must have been pretty tired because a few moments later, I can hear her snoring. Hypocrite.

Teasing aside, it’s nice to have someone like her around. She understands me in a way I haven’t experienced in quite some time. But if I think about that too much, I’ll surely be awake all night. I don't want to be as drawn to this infuriating woman as I am.

So I push those thoughts aside, drifting off into sleep.



“Come on, everyone. We have less than an hour before the presentations begin. Let’s go!”

For once, Angel actually has something to yell about. Today is the day when companies from all over the surrounding area will be presenting their latest and greatest ideas. Which, of course, includes Tarek.

It’s also the day that I make my move to break into Craig’s room and steal whatever I can. Getting into the room shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I swiped a master key card from a half-asleep night manager, and the pin code I should be able to figure out. It’s the getting caught problem that I’m worried about.

Hopefully, most of Craig’s security detail will be watching their boss rather than his room. However, I can’t imagine he’ll leave it completely unguarded. There are also cameras everywhere on that floor. Timing will be everything.

And then there’s the fact that he’s associating with Salvator, of all people. I will certainly have to be on my guard. Tarek will be counting on me to get the job done.


Unbidden, thoughts of last night come rushing back to me. It fills my mind, the memory of having dinner with him and seeing his eyes roam over me with appreciation.

Sharing a bed with him. Being so close that I could feel the heat from his body. There was a treacherous part of me that wanted to be closer.

There’s no sense in trying to deny it. I’m attracted to him, plain and simple. And it isn’t just because he’s incredibly handsome, no. He has a wit that can match my own, and I never feel like I have to dumb anything down for him. I can’t remember the last time anyone was able to keep up with me.

To have found someone who’s on the same wavelength feels a little like finding a kindred spirit. Even if said kindred spirit is blackmailing me and making me act as his lackey. Except he’s not being as much of an ass as I thought he would be. And he even acts as though he respects my judgment.

“Get a hold of yourself,” I mutter under my breath. “I need to focus on what I need to do and not… him.”

“Sloane,” a familiar, nerve-grating voice calls out.

A part of me really wishes I’d found anything on Angel in the past two weeks that could let me pin her as the spy. At least then I could punch her, and Tarek wouldn’t be upset with me for it.

“Yes?” I ask warily.

“If you’re going to stand around like a statue, at least come stand like a statue here and help us put up this banner. Now, please, while we’re still young if you don’t mind.”

I can practically feel the steam coming out of my ears. How has no one gotten into a fight with this woman yet?

Within an hour, we’re ready to go for presentations, and the giant conference room is beginning to crowd with people. Tarek and the rest of the management team are playing the showmen and greeting everyone who comes up to them.
