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“Beats me,” the one on the phone replies. “But if you want my advice? This isn’t the type of job where you ask too many questions.”

So Tarek didn’t tell anybody this would be happening.

Meaning I’ve been wise to stick to the shadows, arriving hours in advance. The only people who know I’m here are me and Tarek.

I stare down at my phone, confirming that the truck is already about an hour late. I know that most of these guys are independent contractors, but I’m starting to wonder whether something happened to the driver.

A thunderous emission rings out, and I notice another truck coming to a stop.

I just need to check the DOT number.

“Hey, Ted!”

I hear an approaching voice getting louder and recognize the guard from earlier.

“I’m going on break, okay?”


For some reason, the guard is leaving his shift through the far bay door, not through the lobby.

Crawling on my knees against the hard pavement, I watch the eyes of the laborers and the guards, seeing where they line up.

The approaching footsteps get louder.

I dash, masking my footfalls as I quickly move first behind the cover of another docked semi, then against the far wall of the receiving dock, where I tuck myself neatly between the shelves.

I take out my phone, go into photo mode, and then magnify the truck’s door, confirming the truck’s DOT number.

It’s the right truck.

And confusingly, they’re unloading it without issue. I see workers bringing jacks into the trailer, completely unaware that they’re unloading decoy products worth pennies.

What’s even stranger is that there’s been no commotion from Craig’s would-be lackeys.

Well, almost no commotion.

I hear a cough and turn my head. My blood runs cold, seeing the tall, snake-like form of Salvatore with his pencil-thin mustache.

“You know, you are very good,” he says.

I consider my exit strategy. Standing up, I push lightly against the empty shelves.

“Yep,” I say, holding up my phone and pretending to type. “These shelves are up to code.”

Salvatore lets out a chilling laugh.

“Oh, come now,” he says. “You’re no quality inspector. At least admit when you’ve been had.”

Does he know?

I stand at full attention, now looking for my best possible exit. Right now, I shouldn’t be concerned with being discovered. I just need to get out safely so that I can report back to Tarek.

“You can relax,” Salvatore says, attempting to close the gap between us.

I move back but find myself butting into the shelf.

“I’m not here for you, although I know who you are,” he says. “I’m merely here to deliver a message.”
