Page 29 of Vicious Reign

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I take it back. He doesn’t want a role reversal. I rake my teeth across my bottom lip, my thoughts sluggish in my current mindset. He wants to chase me, and fuck, do I want to be chased. I’m sure my psychology textbooks would have some choice words about it, but the idea of Aries dominating me awakens something that I thought was pleasantly slumbering.

If he wants the hunt, then I’m going to make him work for it. My toes tingle in the water, anticipation building before it rolls up my legs and settles into my core. I lick my lips and keep my eyes closed, concentrating on projecting nonchalance.

“Maybe I lost my voice from all the moaning.” I’m proud of myself for keeping a straight face as I prepare to wave the proverbial red flag in front of my very own bull. “Or maybe it’s from having Dante’s cock shoved—”

In a move too quick to see, Aries stands up and spins around, water sloshing all around. His hands latch onto my waist, and he lifts me from the lounger as easily as he’d bring a glass to his perfect lips. For all his intensity, he sets me gently on the edge of the pool. My hands fly to his sun-warmed shoulders as my legs submerge in the water up to my knees. The water feels like a shock to my system, a cold flash against my hot nerves.

He stands between my legs, my robe inching further up my thighs and falling off a shoulder completely. Like a lightbulb flashes on, I understand his clipped words, tense muscles, and disgruntled tone. Something I should have already realized, especially considering our conversation at Dante’s Hamptons house. My eyebrows arch, and a soft sort of giddiness rushes through my bloodstream.

He’s jealous.

I watch him closely, scanning his profile for the smallest movement. A tiny tell that offers me a glimpse into what he’s feeling. It’s not easy, considering the dark sunglasses covering his eyes. With nimble fingers, I slip his sunglasses down his nose. His chest rises and falls quicker now, either from his sudden movement or something else. An egotistical part of me hopes it’s a natural reaction to being so close to me.

I set his sunglasses on the tile next to me without taking my gaze from his. Brown eyes, darkened to the deepest rich brown possible with amber and gray flecks that create a starburst pattern. A girl’s liable to get lost in eyes like that, especially when they’re holding you hostage and radiating such intensity. I could map the stars in his eyes.


He crowds me further, and I welcome it. I don’t have a good excuse for why I’m poking the bear, other than it feels like he wants me to. And maybe I’m a little sour about the fact that he’s been decidedly hands-off.

It’s probably the former, at least that’s what I’m telling myself right now.

I arch my neck and smirk. “Don’t what? Talk about all the places Dante’s cock—”

He places his thumb in the middle of my parted lips. “The way your mouth moves around the word cock gives a man ideas, Raven.”

Heat pools in my lower belly, spreading to warm me from the inside out. I can’t help myself, I wave that red flag again. Before I can talk myself out of it, I flick my tongue out, swiping against the pad of his thumb.

He growls—an honest to god growl. The sound sets off something primal inside of me, something I’ve never really thought about until now. My thighs clench and I sweep my tongue against his thumb again.

“You don’t know what you’re doing, Raven.” He increases the pressure on my lips.

“I’m taking what I want.” This time, I part my lips and swirl my tongue around his thumb in one movement before I gently suck.

He leans in fast, his face an inch away from mine as his words come out on a growl. “Didn’t your mom teach you not to poke the beast?”

“Are you a beast, Aries?” My voice is low, sultry even.

A shudder visibly rolls down his back. His tongue flashes out to swipe the corner of his mouth. “You have no idea what type of man I am. But you will.”

My chin tilts toward him, my face following his attention like a plant to the sun. “Are you a jealous man?”

“Is that what you would like, Raven? Do you want me to be jealous?” His voice is firm but it lacks any real hardness. His gaze flits between my lips and my eyes, back and forth and back again.

I lean back, propping myself up with my hands on the tile behind me. His hand falls to his side with a small splash. I roll my lips inward for a moment. “Don’t twist it around, Aries. I just asked if you were jealous of Dante’s—”

He spreads my legs even further, wedging his big body in closer between my legs. An inch separates our bodies, and I’ve never been so aware of my pussy as I am right now. It practically aches for the man in front of me. This back and forth, his possessiveness and jealousy—it all turns me on.

His voice pitches low, steel wrapping around each word as his body practically vibrates with tension. “The next time cock comes outta your mouth, it better be mine.”
