Page 43 of Vicious Reign

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Tommaso Santorini leadsme across the room of some strip club in the back of a warehouse. We came in through a back entrance twenty minutes ago, and I spot at least five more doors. Three of them are guarded by big dudes in black polos, security, if I had to guess.

All things considered, Tommaso has been mild as far as kidnappers go. I wasn’t able to get much information from him, but I didn’t expect much from Santorini’s kid. I clasp my hands together, squeezing my fingers and then relaxing them quickly to get some blood flowing. These fucking zip ties are a pain in the ass. It’s not like I couldn’t run with my hands tied though. It’d make it harder to maneuver, but not impossible.

And right now, not impossible are the best odds I have.

It’s the guns that they’re all wearing that keep me in line. As much as I’m desperate to leave, I’d like to walk out, not be carried out in a bag.

I’m surviving solely on adrenaline and the smallest scrap of hope that I’ll see my girl again. I blow out a breath, my chest caving in when the reality of my situation creeps in and starts to demolish my hope.


Madison being as far from here and Pinkerton’s asshole uncle is the best I can realistically hope for. And it’s enough. For now.

I’m not trying to clock out early—I’ve got too many things I want to do, most of them involving one captivating redhead. But with every minute and hour that crawls by without any word from my family, I’m making my peace with this life. I wasn’t expecting anything from my father. He has two sons already, there’s never really been any use for me. But I expected more from my brothers and Dante. And damn, if that doesn’t chafe. I need a distraction from my depressing thoughts and quick.

“What are we doing here? I thought I was supposed to be fighting.”

One of the guys with us was very vocal about watching the fights here tonight, leering at me when he said he’s got five on the other guy. I’ve been underestimated my entire life, and if these assholes want to join that party—fine by me. It’ll just make my glory that much sweeter when I get away.

The lighting is shit in here—dim and the red cast from the light fixtures gives the whole space a macabre sort of vibe. We were in a black leather booth, one of many that line the outskirts of the place. Tables and chairs are set up in front of five smaller stages, all right next to each other. It seems like a sound nightmare having the stages and their speakers so close together, but what the fuck do I know about it?

He claps a hand on my shoulder, squeezing hard enough that I bite back a wince, and steers me toward a table in front of the center stage. I glare at him out of the corner of my eye. He squeezes my shoulder again and applies pressure until I sit down in the chair in front of the stage.

“Sit, drink, be merry. Isn’t that what they say? You know, that one commercial.”

I shake my head, at a loss for words. “I don't think I know that one either.”

Tommaso squeezes my shoulder again, lighter in almost a friendly way, before he sits down to my right. “Man, you gotta watch more TV.”

I grit my teeth, swallowing down all the insults I want to hurl at him. I sigh and watch everyone fan out around us, each taking a seat in front of this stage.

“This doesn’t look like a fighting ring to me.” My tone is sharp but not nearly as cutting as it should be considering the circumstance.

He leans back in his chair. “Eager to die, man?”

I scoff and school my face to a nice fuck you smile.

He chuckles and slouches in his chair. “Chill out. We’re waiting on my brothers, then we’ll take you to the octagon. Dad’s coming to watch the fights tonight.”

I lean back into the chair, widening my legs so I can easily stand and defend myself if I need to. Whether he meant to or not, he just gave me some actual information I can use. So I have until the fight.

He glances from my wrists to my face. “Sorry about that, by the way. I voted for us to uncuff you but I was vetoed.”

“By who, your brothers?”

“Enjoy the show.”

I exhale a breath through my nose when he doesn’t answer my question and stare straight ahead without really seeing anything. I don't want to enjoy some strip show. What I want to do is get the fuck out of here and go find my girl.

The idea of watching some woman take off her clothes makes my skin crawl. If Maddie were here next to me, it would be a different story. But not like this.

I clench my jaw and try a different tactic. “Man, take me back to the hotel room. I don't want to watch this.”

One of the guys leans forward into the space between Tommaso and me. “I heard Juliet brought her girls in tonight.”
