Page 39 of Midnight Salvation

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He blows out a breath. “I don’t want to lie to you, okay? So you tell me if you want to be kept in the dark. And I’ll respect your wishes. I’ll do everything I can to shield you from Reaper business.”

I run my tongue along the back of my teeth and look out the windshield. I let my head roll across the headrest and look at him.

My white knight who calls himself a Reaper. The juxtaposition isn’t lost on me, and in fact, it makes me feel better about how I’m going to move forward in this life.

Because I can be both Evangeline Carter, nanny to Hunter and lover of baked goods and show tunes.

And Eve, a secret badass who protects her family and doesn’t shy away in the face of danger.

Okay, so maybe the last one is a bit of a stretch, but I’m going to roll with it for now.

“I think it’s a little late for being kept in the shadows, don’t you?”

“I think what happened to you was unacceptable. But it’s not normal for Rosewood or for the Reapers, not anymore. And I love you enough to make sure you’re protected, in whatever facet that means. Remember my offer stands, sugar. If you want out, we’re out in a heartbeat, yeah?”

My lips curl into a smile as I impulsively lean over and plant my lips on his cheek. The love and affection I have for this man feels like an effortless, nurturing sort of thing. “You really do love me.”

He turns his head, his gaze flashing to mine briefly before returning to the road. “I don’t ever say things I don’t mean.”

“I’m learning that,” I murmur, letting my lips drag against the corner of his mouth. I sit back in my seat, looking out the window to hide my small smile. “I think it’s a little late to leave too.”

I want to say more, but I don’t think I really need to. He knows how I feel about him and his cousins. I’ve spelled it out for him before, and Lincoln St. James is nothing if not observant.

Goosebumps flow down my legs, and I snuggle into the seat further. Without a word, he adjusts the vent so the heat is aimed directly at my legs. I miss the warmth of his palm instantly.

“Ironic, isn’t it?” I jerk my chin toward the heat vent in question. “Middle of the summer, and here we are, cranking the heat up like it’s December. You must be sweating like crazy.” I eye the leather jacket, jeans, and boots he’s wearing, which is basically his signature look. Only today, he’s wearing a pale blue tee instead of his usual black.

“Don’t worry about me, sugar. I’m fine.”

My lips twist to the side as I let myself really look at him. He really is so handsome it hurts sometimes.

Gratitude inflates like a balloon inside of me, expanding until it reaches every hidden nook and cranny. I don’t know how the fuck I ever got so lucky as to end up with him or Nova or even Silas, but I half-wonder if Nana Jo is somewhere in the universe pulling strings. She always did seem to know things about the town and its people.

I loved the woman, but she fancied herself a matchmaker on more than one occasion. And I don’t think it ever worked out quite so nicely for her though.

Until now.

“Okay, then deal me in, Lincoln. Give me the full report. Or whatever it is you guys say when you’re at ‘church.’” I use air-quotes around the word.

Bane chuckles. “You really do watch too much of that TV show. It’s not really like that.”

I arch a brow. “So you don’t vote on stuff?”

A muscle in his cheek twitches and he smiles, but it’s a little more self-depreciating than joyful. “Nah, we do. But it’s not usually life-or-death things. It’s more like when do we want to have the family barbecue? Or what should we do about refurnishing the common rooms? But lately . . .” He trails off with a sigh.

“Lately?” I prod.

“Lately, it’s more like the TV show, I guess.”

There’s a screech of tires that sends my heart thundering inside my chest. I pull my gaze from Bane to the other side of the two-lane highway and see a car do an illegal u-turn.

“Oh my god, is that him?” Fear coats my voice like thick syrup.

Bane’s head whips toward me. “Him who?”

I turn around in my seat and look out the rear windshield as the dark SUV gains on us. “Him. The guy who abducted me from the house.”

