Page 50 of Midnight Salvation

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“Are you washing my hair.” I meant it to be a question, but instead, it comes out as some kind of awed statement.

“Mhmm. Does it feel good, sweetheart?”

I nod, a few small dips of my chin. “This is always my favorite part when I go to the salon. The head massage when they’re washing your hair. It feels . . . I don’t know, magical I guess.”

“Magical,” he says with a small chuckle. His fingers work against the especially tension-filled spots on my scalp before he rinses the shampoo out.

“Are you shampooing again?” My brows lift toward my hairline when I smell the strawberry scent of my shampoo.

“I’ve heard Ma talk about double-washing your hair enough to know that it’s supposed to be good for you, especially if you need pampering. And sweetheart, you definitely need some pampering.”

I hum under my breath, biting the inside of my cheek to stop the smile from blooming across my face. I didn’t know I’d find this kind of thing so appealing: a man washing my hair. “You’re spoiling me.”

“You deserve it, sweetheart. And if you want me to wash your hair for you every day, I will.”

A low laugh leaves me. “Maybe not every day, but once in a while, it might be nice.” I open my eyes and look at the wall in front of me. “Maybe you could even join me sometime.”

His fingers sink deeper into my scalp, his hands big enough that he can nearly cover my entire head, thumbs working close to my ears. “I’m free tomorrow.”

Nova rinses out the shampoo and starts on the conditioner. The vanilla scent permeates the air, mixing with the strawberry-scented shampoo and the lemon-scented bubble bath. It smells like a dessert in here, and if I wasn’t so tired, I’d make a strawberry lemon shortcake.

I zone out for a little bit when Nova massages my scalp.

“I was scared,” I whisper, breaking the silence.

His fingers still, but he doesn’t say anything.

I close my eyes and pull my legs tighter to me. “I was really scared. And then, it was like this flip switched, and I wasn’t as afraid anymore. And I . . .” I swipe my tongue along the corner of my mouth. “I’m a little nervous about what that says about me.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Evangeline. You did what you had to and no one is going to judge you for it. All that says is that you’re an incredible woman.”

I feel the press of his lips against my neck as his fingers leave my hair.

“Brave.” Another kiss on my shoulder blade. “Loyal.” A kiss on the ball of my shoulder. “Strong.” A kiss on the top of my spine.

My sinuses tingle and my eyes fill with tears.

“Kind and nurturing.” A kiss behind my ear. “And so fucking beautiful. Inside and out.” A kiss on the edge of my jaw. “And so fucking mine.”

I lift my head and meet him halfway. Our mouths brush once, twice, three times for the most tender kiss we’ve ever shared. My heart swells with warmth, and I revel in the softness of his lips against mine. All too soon, our kiss slows, and Nova pulls back enough to drag his mouth along the edge of my jaw once more.

He resumes his work, and I let myself enjoy the sensation of Nova’s hands on me, rinsing out my hair.

He pushes to his feet and holds out a hand to help me up. I hold his gaze as I place my hand in his, letting him wrap a fluffy towel around me. I try to take the towel from him, but he gently pushes my hands aside.

“I got it, sweetheart. Let me take care of you.” I look into his eyes and what he means is that he needs to take care of me.

I nod and release my grip on the fabric. He bends down, dragging the towel over every inch of me, paying especially close attention to the juncture of my thighs.

He grabs my silky bathrobe off the hook on the back of the door. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get you into bed.”

I let him help me into my bathrobe, biting the inside of my cheek when I want to tell him that I don’t usually sleep in it. But it’s not like it’s going to hurt anything if I do. He towel-dries my hair, and then tries his best to wrap a towel around it.

I let him guide me into my bedroom and tuck me into bed, both of us quiet. He steps back, like he’s going to leave, and my heart pitches at the thought.

“Won’t you stay?” I murmur, snuggling down underneath the blankets, my eyes doing that thing where they act like they’re made of lead.

He hesitates next to the bed. “You want me to stay with you?”
