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Staring at our son, she grins and then looks at me. “What if we name him after you too? Not a junior, but still your name. Or a form of it.”

Nodding, I like the way it sounds, even if it’s just in my mind. “I like it. You know my mother’s going to call him something silly though, right?”

“Of course. She’s so excited right now that she’s probably sitting in the nursery waiting for us to come home so she can take him over.”

The door to the hospital room flies open, and her sisters, Lisa and Mary, come inside. “He’s here!”

The girls have stayed loyal and stood by their words. It’s obvious that life under the rule of Daniel Barone was cruel. His daughters have all suffered because of him. But I won’t let them suffer any further.

“We got the place down the street from you guys after all,” Lisa says.

Isabella’s overjoyed expression says it all. “I’m so happy you two are going to be living so close to us! I loved that mansion the first time I laid eyes on it. You girls are going to be so happy there. I just know it.”

“You made it happen, big sis,” Mary tells her as she takes a seat on the hospital bed, then runs her hand over her little nephew’s head. “Lisa and I went to the bank and opened a savings account for our new nephew with some of the money you gave us, Isabella. We want to make sure he knows his aunties only want the best for him, the way you two have made sure you only want what’s best for us.”

“Hey, it’s your money. You can do with it whatever you want. You both paid dearly your entire lives. You deserve something in return for the drama and pain you had to go through. Anyway, my husband provides for me and our family very well. He wanted you girls to have enough to live on for the rest of your lives. He’s a generous man.” My wife’s eyes sparkle as she gazes at me.

With my blessing, Isabella gave a sizeable amount of the money and physical property of the estate that she inherited from her father to the girls. Then, I distributed his organization’s employees and the rest of his assets among my family members’ organizations right here in the New York area. My cousins and I will now truly be the kings of the New York underworld.

I felt it best to dissolve the Barone family once and for all. When power is used to abuse the women and children, then it must be diffused. None of Barone’s men were strong enough to keep the family. I suppose they’d had their share of Daniel’s punishments, and it made them want to move on and leave the family in the past.

Once upon a time in Palermo, Italy, two men fell in love with the same woman and began a decades-long war that their grandchildren ended by getting married and starting a family in New York, New York, America.

They say love conquers all. Maybe that’s true. Maybe love is the strongest thing of all.

“Allow me to introduce you to the firstborn of the Vietti family,” my wife says as she holds up our son. “John Carlito Vietti will take over his father’s throne one day to become the king of New York.”

Mary and Lisa laugh and bow. “All hail, King John Carlito!”

All I can think about is what a great Mafia king name that is. My wife isn’t wrong. He will take over where I leave off. I just hope I raise him to be the best Mafia king there has ever been or ever will be.

But my real hope for him is that he finds a Mafia queen to love as much as I love his mother. We all deserve a happy ending, and we’ve found ours.

The End
