Page 126 of The Phoenix

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Skyler, every hair in place while she made fatigues look classy, unfolded from a chair. “Kae will be with Jonquil where Ranca will watch over the two girls. I shall be with my coven.” Her shocking twin-iceberg lilac eyes stared down her mate.

“Not happening.” Fire blasted from Kole’s fingers.

Her regal brow arched when she brushed a spark off her sleeve. “Really?”

Tyr pushed off the wall, his spiked hair stiffer than his spine. He moved behind Jace, his hand curling around the back of her neck. “As a warlock, I get the whole coven thing. I do. But this is crazy. You read the history of fucking objects. You don’t belong on the field of battle.”

Jace reached behind her to slap his hand away. “You need to hear about our training before you jump to any stupid conclusions.”

Indigo coughed, preparing to add a little rationality to the conversation. She scooted to the edge of the sofa. “I can shed light here. In the river, I saw the Blood Coven fighting as one. Since then, we’ve been practicing.”

Sabine’s head snapped toward her mate. “What the fuck? Nico, were you aware of this?”

Nico brushed an unruly strand of dark hair off his forehead. “Yep. I’ve been training with them. We’re good to go.”

“The hell you are,” bellowed Kole. “You’re one of my Firebrands. I say where you’ll fight. Denim, you, too.”

“Respectfully, Commander, no. My place is with my coven.” Denim glanced at Ram, whose hot glare said it all. He even sprouted Satyr horns, a sure sign to step away or shut up.

Sabine still looked gobsmacked when Nico tried to loop an arm over her shoulder. She pushed it off.

Her mate shrugged. “Sweetness, I’m not happy about this. I want to be by your side. We’re a team. I’m convinced, however, the coven needs to fight as one.”

Galena shifted from boot to boot. “Miller, you can’t control your army of the dead for very long. You’ll be an easy target when you collapse from the strain.”

He grinned. “I have a few surprises, luv.”

Indigo patted Roark’s thigh. A chalkboard would be nice. She could draw plays, offensive and defensive positions, and game strategies. With a glance around, though, she realized the pre-game locker-room schtick wouldn’t fly tonight. She settled for a straight-forward description. “I’ll talk you through it.” When Roark leveled her with his smoky, glass-chipped gaze, she shrugged. “We have our offensive line. That would be Brae, Denim, Lizzy…”

A scowling Jarek interrupted, his djinn form dissolving to smoke and reappearing while he struggled to control his temper. “Not Lizette.”

Beside him, his mate tugged on his war braids. “You’d best keep your trap shut.” Words spoken, she rose onto her toes to kiss him on the cheek.

It was almost sad to watch the big male crumble.

“To continue,” said Indigo. “Nico, Chiara…”

Dax’s cold, dark eyes narrowed into evil slits when he pushed off the wall. “No damn way. She’s carrying my child and sitting this one out.”

Chiara barefooted it across the floor to brush a hand along Dax’s jaw. “You’re so cute when you get all snarly. You know I’m safe casting spells up until the seventh month.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’ll chain you to the bed if I have to.”

Her palm rested on her slight belly while her eyes widened. “Oh my God, I think you’re upsetting the baby.”

A worried-looking Dax hung his head, muttering, “We’ll discuss this later.”

Chiara winked at Indigo before she cooed to her mate. “If by discuss, you mean you’ll agree with me, sure.”

“To continue,” said Indigo. “Fin, Celene…”

Nace straightened to object, but Celene raised a hand. “I’m a psychokinetic. Remember?” As an unsubtle reminder, the shifter commander’s knife flew out of his hip holster and slammed into Celene’s palm. “Now hush before you get into trouble.”

He growled, his jaguar flickering beneath his skin but his mouth staying closed.

“The others aren’t fighters,” said Kole. “Need I remind you, their powers, including Skyler’s, are useless in battle.”

“Untrue,” explained Indigo. “They are the defensive line. Skyler, Jace, Harley, and Margo, after she knocks out communications, have developed the ability to shield. They will stand in the rear but use their gifts to protect us with magic armor.”
