Page 14 of Obsession

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Smiling was usually a good thing. But his words contradicted that. Was he being sarcastic? Sarcasm was confusing. Why couldn’t humans just say what they mean?

I could try to read their expressions, but I didn’t care. With most people, I didn’t. My eyes moved back to the screen. But with Lark, I did.

I watched her face. Studied her expressions so I could understand her. So I wouldn’t be confused when I spoke to her again.

“I want to take her.”



Grumbles and wide-eyed stares followed my simple statement. It was clear what I’d said wasn’t normal. I shrugged, not caring.

This fascination with her was only growing. I needed to solve it. Needed to figure out why I was interested. Taking her and spending time with her would be the easiest way.

I yearned to feed my obsession.

“What?” Vander snapped, looking at my brothers as if they had the answer.

“I want her.” My tone was firmer now. A decision forming in my mind.

“You can’t just take her,” Cole spoke like he was talking to a child. He did that sometimes. As if I were dumb. I suppose I was about some things. But this seemed simple to me.

“Why?” My thumb hooked towards Angelo. “He took Isla.”

“He’s got a point.” He moved back to lean on the wall again.

“And you forced Grace to marry you,” I said to Vander.

He pinched between his brows as he sat behind his desk. Apparently, none of them were as fascinated with watching Lark as I was. “Don’t use us as an example. We’re not normal.”

“Neither am I.”

Was anyone? I didn’t voice the question. It felt like something they’d mock me for.

It didn’t matter anyway, because Grace knocked on the office door before opening it. Vander’s expression immediately changed. His eyes softened, and his smile widened as he saw her. He opened his arms, and she crossed the room to him without hesitation.

Not for the first time, I wondered what that would be like. To enjoy being touched. To find comfort in it as they did. Instead of feeling the pinpricks of pain. Or have it lingering on my skin like black sludge.

She fell into his lap, smiling as he kissed her forehead and ran a protective hand around her growing stomach. “What do you need, Sunflower?”

Her lips pulled into an equally loving smile. “You have guests.”

It was then I noticed the girl and two men who’d entered. I’d been too busy analyzing Vander and Grace’s movements to notice the others. Angelo greeted them first.

“Zara.” He nodded, showing no signs that he cared about her past rejection. She was tall and lithe, with straight black hair and olive-toned skin. I was told she was pretty, but I felt nothing. Like every time. With everyone.

Except with one girl. Lark caused an unexplainable heat to erupt in my gut.

“Cade.” Cole greeted. He had longish blonde hair and lean muscles. “Ryder.” He was the complete opposite, with short, dark buzzed hair, bulging muscles, and dark skin to Cade’s paler complexion.

Ryder took a seat between Cole and I. Cade kissed Zara’s head before she moved to sit in Ryder’s lap. He dragged her down, nuzzling his lips to her neck.

I heard she loved both of them. She must, considering she’d broken her contract with Angelo and killed her father to be with them. “She can have two boyfriends, but I can’t take Lark?”

“They’re not normal, either.” Vander pinched between his eyes as I spoke. Grace’s lips rolled like she didn’t know what to say. I heard other sounds of surprise or exasperation. It was my only sign that what I’d said was wrong. But again, I didn’t understand why.

“I don’t think anyone in this room is normal.” Zara chuckled, and everyone seemed to relax.
