Page 17 of Obsession

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It only made the dread worse because he didn’t say a word. The blood roared in my ears. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I squirmed against him, fighting down a whimper of pain as his hands dug deeper into my skin.

Life was so unfair. I survived a random mugging two weeks ago just to be attacked again right outside my house. The universe was clearly trying to tell me something.

A roar tore through the night. It was a fight sound. Something an animal would make before going in for the kill. But it didn’t come from the man holding me hostage.

Air rushed into my lungs as my attacker dropped me. My legs gave out, and I collapsed to the pavement. Rocks and cement embedded into my hands and knees, but I pushed past the pain.

I crawled towards my door, ignoring the grunts and curses from behind. When I reached the glass, my arms shot out. I used the still-locked handle to pull myself up. Only then did I turn.

Surprise hit me in the chest. Stealing the breath from my lungs.

A van was parked on the street, its side door open. A portly older man with a scruffy salt and pepper beard and a dirty canvas jacket fought with another on the sidewalk. He’d been trying to drag me into the van. But that wasn’t what surprised me.

It was the man he was fighting with. The light brown hair and lean muscles. The sharp jaw. And the clear blue eyes that connected with mine for a moment.


I gasped as the older man took a swing at him, but my savior shifted to the side, capturing his arm under his own. My teeth clenched together as I heard the snap of bone. The older man screamed, but his arm was still tucked under my savior’s.

A muscle in his jaw ticked. His biceps flexed. His entire body was tensed with rage as he advanced on the older man. He forced him away until he stumbled into the open van door.

“Get out of here.” He growled as he bent his arm further back. I winced as I waited to hear the breaking of my attacker’s elbow. “Forget the job. Forget you know her. Or I’ll break more than your wrist.”

The older man’s scream drowned out the snap, but I saw the limp limb as my savior released him. He slammed the van door closed before rounding on me.

I retreated, bumping into the glass windows of the entrance to my apartment. My breathing became shallow as he stalked towards me, bending down to pick up the keys I’d dropped.

My heart tumbled in my chest as his arm brushed my side. Anticipation raced through my veins, making my body tingled, but he wasn’t touching me. He slid the key into the lock. He was so close I could smell the fresh scent of his body wash.

Nathan’s grip was gentle as he grasped my wrist and moved me out of the way so he could pull the door open. Before I could even decide if I wanted to resist, he was helping me forward. The lock clicked behind me as he led us down the hall. I had no time to wonder why he was here. How he knew which apartment was mine because he was already opening it and guiding me inside.

He leaned against the door, staring at me, blocking my exit. A strand of light brown hair fell over his forehead. His chest rose with an unsteady breath matching mine. His serene blue eyes scanned my body for injuries, making it even harder to breathe.

My skin electrified as I was once again alone with the man who’d saved my life. Twice. Someone who, by all accounts, was a criminal. Whose name I barely knew. Nathan. My savior.

I should be afraid. But fear wasn’t what I felt when he stepped towards me. When he reached out, dragging a single knuckle down my abused cheek.

My blood raced. Warmth bloomed through my body, especially between my legs.

Yeah, this wasn’t fear. But I was afraid to name this feeling aloud. Worried it would disappear. Leave me lonely again.

Because in this beautiful, dangerous man’s presence, I didn’t feel so alone.



Ropes wrapped around my chest and squeezed.

Lark was hurt. I hadn’t made it in time. Bruises marred her beautiful golden skin. Fingertip-sized marks over her mouth where he’d gripped her. They distorted the freckles on her cheeks.

I should’ve killed him.

The thought shocked me enough that I dropped my hand from her face. My brothers were killers. I’d been raised by killers. Trained beside them. But I’d never done it. It wasn’t my job.

But there was a darkness spreading through my veins. Something much worse than when someone touched me, and I didn’t like it. It was clawing at my reason. Telling me he deserved death for touching her. For hurting my little songbird.

