Page 73 of Obsession

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He was a client of Aaron’s, and according to this, he had a debt. A lot of it.

Aaron didn’t just sell people like we thought. He was running girls. Selling hours at a time where customers could use and abuse them. And unlike our escorts, these women weren’t willing. They weren’t seeing a dollar of that money. They had no freedom.

And Brad was a customer.

Nobody was after Lark; they were after him and his debt. And like every bastard in their business, they were going to hurt the people close to him. They wanted to use her to force him to pay. Or take the money directly from her.

My heart stilled as the possibilities raced through my mind. The things they could do to her to make him suffer. To punish him for running up a tab.

And she was alone.

I lunged for my phone sitting on the desk. The ringing in my ears was so loud I almost didn’t hear Cole. “What’s wrong?”

I couldn’t answer him as I waited for the call to connect. Jumping up from my chair, I headed for the doors. My brothers were right behind me as I stabbed the elevator button.

My hand shook as it dropped back to my side. As I listened to the trilling of the phone. I never should have left her alone. It was the first time I had since she’d asked for our protection. I assumed the security system was enough.

I was fucking stupid. I’d been too distracted by her. By Aaron, to focus on finding out who was after her. I was too happy to have her in my life. Too afraid she’d disappear once she didn’t need me.

Panic flooded my veins as the elevator doors opened at the same time Lark’s voicemail picked up. I disconnected, calling her again. Anxiety wrapped around my chest, squeezing tight. My body tensed. My muscle screaming as I listened to the ring.

“Hey.” I gasped in relief as I heard her lyrical voice. I almost collapsed against the steel doors.

“Lark.” I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs to say anything besides her name.

“What’s wrong?” Her tone was alert. She was probably responding to me, but that didn’t stop the adrenaline pumping through my blood. “Is everything okay? Do you need me to come treat someone?”

“Is the security system on?” The elevator opened into the garage. Our footsteps echoed as we raced towards my car.

She’s fine. She’s safe.

I repeated the words even as I rushed to get to her. I wouldn’t believe it until I saw her. My foot was on the gas before all the doors were shut.

“Fuck.” Angelo grumbled as he scrambled to close his.

“Actually, I was just going to call. It’s acting weird since I reset the password.”

“Lock yourself in the bathroom. I’m on my way.”

“I’m fine.” She said. “You don’t—.”

Her voice cut off. Cole grabbed the overhead handle as I jerked the car onto the road. The tires screeched as I raced through the city. But knowing I was nearby didn’t stop the fear from gripping my throat.


My heart slammed into my ribs. Beating harder with each second she didn’t answer. “S-someone’s here. They’re at the door.”

My foot pressed further on the gas. My fingers tightened on the phone. The plastic creaking under my grip. “I’m five minutes away. Do you still have the gun I gave you?”


“That’s good, Songbird.” The calm that always lived in me vanished. All I felt was panic, even as I tried to reassure her. “Grab it and lock yourself in the bathroom.”

I heard rustling on the other end, as if she was searching for the weapon. A soft gasp of relief, telling me she must have found it. I strained to listen to every sound while I paid attention to the road.

“I’ve got.”

“Good. I’m so close.” I hoped it was close enough. “You can do this.”
