Page 75 of Obsession

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I didn’t have time to be happy about that. My heart beat so hard I thought a rib would crack as I jumped to my feet. I didn’t look back. Couldn’t tell you a single thing about the room I was in as I used all my strength to propel myself out of it.

“I’m going to kill you.” His threat stilled my blood. I glanced over my shoulder, expecting to see a gun in his hand. Instead, he was bent over on his knees, one hand on the floor, the other cupping his balls.

“You’re not looking too scary.” I couldn’t stop the quip. The need to strip away his worth like he had to me. I turned back to the door, ready to escape, when it swung open.

My relief vanished as I smacked into another hard body. My eyes widened as firm hands gripped my shoulders. A surprised whimper of pain pulled from my lips as he squeezed harder.

Before I could even react, he was dragging me back. My bare foot caught on loose pebbles. My skin ripped as I struggled to break his hold, but it was impossible.

He wasn’t as big as the first guy. His appearance wasn’t as intimidating. He could have been one of my students. In his early twenties, with a mullet haircut and expensive clothes.

But when I looked into his eyes, a chill ran down my spine. It was like looking at pure evil. I couldn’t distinguish the pupils from his dark brown irises. I was so distracted by his fingers biting in to my skin, by the demons in his gaze, that I didn’t see the cage until I was being shoved inside.

The air whooshed from my lungs as my back hit the cinderblock walls. I pushed off, trying to get to the door. My hands slammed into the wire as it closed. The deafening rattling echoed in my ears. Sent my hope crashing to my feet.

“I’m going to be the first one to break you.” The original guy stood. He smiled as he stalked towards me. The curve of his lips was stark against the menace in his gaze.

I didn’t say anything. Didn’t back away as he gripped the cage and shook. I felt the vibrations up my arms, but I couldn’t let go.

It was like I was frozen. My fear stilled my body and my brain. I saw no way out as I stared at the men who’d taken me.

“You’ll do nothing.” The second guy snapped. He was clearly the one in charge because the first stepped away. But that cruel smile never left his lips.

“Bitch kicked me in the balls.”

“She shouldn’t have even had the chance.” I saw the flash of a gun. It gleamed in the low light as the second guy shot the first.

I jerked back. My body slamming into the wall again as he crumpled to the ground. His menacing eyes stared at me for a moment. And then it was like the lights went out. Whatever made them human disappeared.

Terror flowed through my veins. My stomach rolled, and I fought to keep the contents down. I’d treated a lot of injured people. Seen a fair share of dead bodies. But never had I seen them as it happened. Witnessed the horrible act that ended their lives.

It was abrupt. With hardly a reason. A part of my mind knew this was a tactic. A way for him to show me who he was so he could keep me in line. Well, it worked.

“Who are you?” My voice wavered, but I couldn’t hide the fear anymore. “What do you want?”

He gave no reaction. Didn’t even spare his dead friend a glance as he shoved the gun back into his waistband. “You’ll see.”

He left the room, his footsteps clicking on the floor as he went. The door squeaked shut. The sound felt like the end.

I refused to let it be. My limbs shook as I pushed to standing, examining the space. It was some kind of warehouse. The floors were plain concrete with old stains and chunks missing. The walls were cinderblock with only one small rectangle window, no bigger than a shoebox.

The little sunlight it let in shined over my head. But most of the light came from a long fluorescent bulb. It buzzed and flickered, casting everything in shadows.

The middle of the room was empty except for a chair and the dead body, but cages lined the perimeter. It was like being in a kennel. I suddenly felt bad for dogs at the shelter. Felt the despair they must have as they waited to be rescued.

I was in the same situation. I didn’t know why I was here. But I knew Nathan would come for me. I just wondered if I’d be alive when he did.

I stared at the dead body on the floor. The pool of red growing from it. Creeping along the concrete towards me.

He killed him so easily. What would he do to me? And who even was he?

“Fuck!” The cage rattled as I slammed my foot into it. I couldn’t slip my hand through the wires because they were too small for anything more than a few fingers. It wasn’t enough to reach the lock.

My fingers curled into the metal. I shook it. Yanked. Pulled. Half raging. Half hoping it would give way.

“That won’t work.” My head snapped to the left, turning towards the female voice. “I’ve already tried.”

She held up her hands, and I saw the blood running down from her broken fingernails and the small cuts in her palms.
