Page 79 of Obsession

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My organs twisted. The pain and nausea made my head feel heavy and hazy. Surely it only been seconds that passed not these never ending minutes. He wouldn’t do this to me. He wouldn’t condemn me to this.

“I’m sorry, Lark.” The sound of the call ending was like hearing the cage rattling shut again. Loud and final.

Shock poured over me. It froze my limbs. Squeezed my lungs. But anger quickly burned it away.

What a piece of shit! Of course, he wasn’t going to help me. I didn’t need him.

“Fine.” I snapped. “You want money. I have it.”

I’d buy mine and Violet’s way out of here. Then I’d get Nathan and his brothers to destroy these men. Fuck, I’d do it myself.

“No.” Craig tilted his head. The single bulb above made the evil gleam in his eyes worse. Like a demon in a horror movie. “I think we’re going to take you as payment instead.”

“It’ll be more fun. You’ll make a pretty whore.” Aaron smiled as he ran the dull edge of the blade along my cheek. I felt the viscous liquid sticking to my skin. “What do you think, Violet? Do you want to tell her all the things that happened to you?”

She retched. The sound of her gagging and spitting filled the space. My jaw clenched as my own stomach tried to revolt. But fear wormed its way in. I’d already heard the broad strokes of what she’d gone through. Neither of us would survive it.

“Please, don’t hurt her.” My throat clogged with emotion as she begged for my life. For a woman she didn’t even know.

“We won’t.” But I didn’t believe Craig as he crossed the room. The cage squeaked as he leaned against where Violet kneeled. Her fingers curled into the metal as she watched me tied to the chair.

I flinched, managing to swallow the sound of pain as Aaron grabbed a fistful of my hair. He yanked my head back. “You’re not the kind of meat we like.”

A shiver ran down my spine as he traced the tip of the knife along my neck. I felt the cool blade as it pressed into my pulse. It thumped against the steel as I swallowed thickly. I was afraid to move. To breathe and risk it piercing my skin.

“But we do enjoy making people suffer. Just think about how it’ll break your man when he has to pay to fuck you again.” I stifled another whimper as he nicked my flesh with the knife. “Although I doubt he’ll want you after what our clients will use you for.”

“You don’t understand.” The steel vibrated against my neck as I spoke. “I’m with someone else.”

I tried to turn away from the weapon, especially when I felt the rivulets of blood dripping down my skin. But Aaron gripped my hair tighter. The strands pulled on my scalp, making it burn.

“We don’t give a fuck,” Craig said as he observed Violet watching me. It was like he was getting sick pleasure out of seeing the terror on her face.

Summoning all my bravado, I smiled. “You will when you learn his last name.”

They didn’t say a word, but I saw a muscle tick in Craig’s jaw. Aaron jerked my hair as if he wanted to silence me. It didn’t work.

“Come on.” I smirked, ignoring the pain and fear. “Aren’t you a little curious?” I winced when the weapon drew along my skin. But my voice didn’t waver. “Okay, but it’s bad.”

“Shut up!” I gasped as Aaron pulled on my scalp harder, drawing my head further back. It jerked the knife away from me, but my wrists ached from the twisted position. “Just tell us.”


“Fuck.” His face paled as he dropped his hold and stepped away. He shook his head like it would change the truth. “She’s lying. Mitchell is dead. The rest are married.”

I relished his reaction. Savored the power I had over him. Even without being here, Nathan might still come to my rescue. “Not all of them.”

Recognition crossed his face. And the bastard smiled. “Nathan? The math nerd.”

Craig laughed. “Now, I know you’re lying.”

“I bet he doesn’t even have a dick. He’s like an alien.” The breath whooshed from my lungs as he grabbed my throat. Using his hold, he yanked me as far forward as my bound wrists would allow. “He wouldn’t know what to do with a dirty little cunt like you.”

The anger swelled inside me. I didn’t care what he said about me. But I hated when people underestimated Nathan. When they thought he was less than because he was different.

A roar rumbled up my chest as my leg shot out. Aaron’s eyes widened in surprise as my foot connected with his balls. The knife clattered to the ground as he grabbed himself and fell to his knees.

Satisfaction rolled through me as he retched like Violet had. Now he knew what it felt like.
