Page 83 of Obsession

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“No!” The roar of agony hit my ears. It was the most pained sound I’d ever heard. Worse than someone’s last breath. Or their pleas to live.

It brought tears to my eyes. Tore at my heart. I tried to scream back. To tell Nathan I was okay. But gunshots filled the air.

They echoed over and over, making it impossible for him to hear me. Violet’s screams mixed with the noise, intensifying the ache in my chest.

I had to get out. It was a primal urge to comfort him. To feel him.

I needed to reach him before someone else found us first. My muscles burned as I shoved at the lifeless body I laid under. Blood coated my skin and I no longer knew if it was his or mine.

My fingers slipped in it, and I dropped the dead weight onto my leg. Panic clawed at my chest as I sat up. Glancing over at Nathan, I watched him shooting Aaron again and again. His features were contorted in pain. Tears and anger shining in his eyes. Grief consumed him. It was like seeing a different person.

My heart pulled. Yearned to get to him. My hands dug into the concrete as I shoved back, trying to free my legs. A rush of air burst from me as I finally got loose.

A second later, I was on my feet, wincing at the pain in my ankle. But I didn’t stop as I rushed across the room. Calling for him.

“Nathan.” I whimpered as my body slammed into his. My arms wrapped around his waist.

It was stupid. He was unhinged right now, but I couldn’t care. Not when he was in anguish. Not when I could make it better.

“Lark.” The gun pressed into my cheek as he grasped my face, tilting my chin up to look at him.

“I’m here.” I turned my head, kissing his palm. Relief washed over me as his blue gaze held mine. As the clouds behind his eyes cleared. “I’m okay.”

My hands dug into his blood-soaked shirt as I yanked him closer. Our foreheads pressed together. He sighed, and I felt the tension bleed from him.

“You’re covered in blood.” His voice still carried the note of panic as he tried to drop his arms to examine me. I grasped his wrists, stopping him. “Where—.”

“Most of it isn’t mine.” I shook my head as I held him tighter. I couldn’t believe he was here. He came for me. “I’m okay.”

The realization that I was safe overwhelmed him and he dropped to his knees. I collapsed with him. I couldn’t let him go. Not yet.

He wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face in his neck. I breathed in the scent of his skin. Let his warmth soothe the fear inside. We were a mess of limbs, tears, and blood.

“I’m okay.” I smoothed down his hair as I looked into those blue eyes full of worry. And love. “Say it.”

“Y-you’re okay.” He choked. A tear made a path in the blood on his cheek. I swept it away with my thumb as I leaned forward and kissed him.

It was a harsh slam of my lips against his. It was painful and frantic. I needed to feel him. I had to be sure I was alive, not dreaming.

His tongue invaded my mouth with the same intensity. Like he had to taste me to know I was safe. A moan tore through my chest as I held him tighter.

I had no idea how long it was before we broke the kiss. Our breathing was unsteady as I buried my face in his neck. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to let him go again.

“I love you.” The confession wasn’t whispered in shame. Or said in fear. It was strong and honest.

His hand wrapped around the nape of my neck as he brought my gaze back to his. He blinked in confusion. “You love me?”

I saw the question in his eyes. And it hurt. Not for me, but for him. Because he thought being different didn’t make him lovable. Like being him wasn’t enough. Like all he’d done for me wasn’t enough.

It was more than I could ever ask for. More than I needed. “Yes, I love you.”

He grasped my cheeks again. His chest pressed into mine as he held me closer. His eyes never leaving my gaze. I felt as if they were looking into the depths of my soul.
