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"Guilty as charged," I admitted, feeling my cheeks redden at their enthusiastic reactions. "But honestly, it was... amazing. Like, more than I ever could have imagined."

"Wow, sounds like quite the night," Ava commented, giving me a knowing wink.

"Trust me, it was," I sighed dreamily, the memories of our passionate encounter still fresh in my mind. But deep down, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this might be just another one-night stand, another fleeting moment of happiness that would slip through my fingers like sand. But for now, at least, I could let myself bask in the afterglow of last night's unexpected turn of events.

"Come on, Calla," Cassie teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You can't deny that there might be something special between you and this Dominic. I mean, he practically saved your life!"

"Saved my life?" I snorted, rolling my eyes at her dramatics. "He just got me out of an uncomfortable situation, that's all."

"Still," she persisted, a playful grin spread across her face, "maybe he's 'the one' for you."

"Damn it, Cassie! It was just a one-night stand," I retorted, feeling my cheeks flush as I thought back to the passion-filled evening I'd spent with Dominic. The way his strong hands had held me, his lips exploring every inch of my body... it was intoxicating, but I couldn't let myself get carried away.

"Hey, I'm just saying," Cassie defended herself, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "It sounds like you two really hit it off, and who knows? Maybe this could be the start of something amazing."

"Or maybe not," I countered, trying to keep my tone light despite the growing sense of unease in my chest. "I've had one or two one-night stands before, and they never led to anything serious. Why should this time be any different?"

"Because," Cassie began, leaning in conspiratorially as if she were about to share some earth-shattering secret, "this time it's with Dr. McSexy."

"Ugh, please don't call him that," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. But I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth, nor the warmth that spread through my chest at the thought of Dominic.

"Fine, fine," Cassie relented, chuckling at my reaction. "But seriously, Calla, don't you think it's worth considering? That maybe there could be something real between you two?"

"Maybe," I conceded, my voice barely above a whisper. But deep down, I knew that admitting such a possibility was dangerous – especially when it came to someone like Dominic, who seemed to have everything going for him. He didn't need someone with as much baggage as me, and I certainly didn't need another heartbreak.

"Damn straight, maybe," Cassie replied triumphantly, clearly pleased with herself for having made her point.

"Whatever," I muttered, trying to brush off her suggestion. "Let's just drop it, okay? It was one night, and that's all it'll ever be."

"Alright, alright," Cassie agreed, sensing my growing discomfort. "But if you ever change your mind, just remember that we called it first." Cassie and Ava high-fived each other.

"Deal," I replied, forcing a laugh even though the thought of a future with Dominic, no matter how unlikely, left my heart aching with equal parts longing and dread.

Ava raised an eyebrow. "So, Calla, how do you feel about him? Do you like him?"

"Like" was such a simple word for the jumble of emotions that swirled inside me when I thought of Dominic. But admitting anything more than that seemed far too risky, especially when I wasn't even sure what I wanted myself.

"Look, I appreciate your interest, guys, but honestly, right now I'm not interested in having anything serious with anyone," I told them, trying to keep my voice steady. "I've got my career to focus on, and that's all I want to figure out right now."

Cassie and Ava exchanged glances, clearly not convinced by my attempt at nonchalance. I couldn't blame them; I had a feeling they knew me better than I knew myself sometimes.

"Calla, we understand you're ambitious and driven," Ava said gently, placing a hand on my arm. "But that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun, or even love, in your life."

"Exactly," Cassie chimed in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And from the sounds of it, Dominic could be just the man to give you both."

"Damn it, you two, drop it already!" I snapped, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks as images of my night with Dominic flooded my mind. "It was just one night. There's no point in making a big deal out of it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

"Okay, okay," Ava relented, raising her hands in surrender. "We won't push it. Just promise us you'll think about what we said, alright?"

"Fine," I muttered, giving them a half-hearted nod before retreating to my room, eager to put some distance between myself and their relentless teasing.

As I sat down at my desk, my thoughts kept drifting back to Dominic; the way his eyes had locked onto mine, the feel of his hands on my body, the softness of his lips against my own, how it felt having him inside me. It was infuriating how easily he seemed to have wormed his way into my heart, despite my best efforts to keep him at arm's length.

"Focus, Calla," I muttered under my breath, forcing my attention back to the job applications that awaited me. "Career first, remember?"

But even as I repeated the mantra to myself, I couldn't help but wonder if, just maybe, there was something more between Dominic and me. Maybe there was something worth exploring, despite my fears and uncertainties. He was just so… hot.

"Damn it," I whispered, berating myself for even entertaining such thoughts. I knew better than to let my guard down when it came to matters of the heart, especially with someone like Dominic, who seemed too good to be true.
