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I'll just wait here.

Ok, ok, yeah, I had a great night.

Fucking hell. I knew it. Well done, young grasshopper, well done.


Calla, I assume.

You assume right. She's still here.

Fuck yeah. Ok, I'll leave you. Just wanted to check in.

Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.

I put the phone down. Calla started to stir. She opened her eyes. Her beautiful sleepy eyes.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning." She leaned over and kissed me. At some point in the night, she lost her ponytail, so she grabbed her elastic and redid her hair. "God. What a night." She fell back onto the pillow.

"Yeah. That night will go down in history." She laughed. How I loved hearing her laugh.

She got out of bed and headed toward the washroom. She called back to me. "Hey, I know you're probably wanting to get going to your family. I'll just quickly get dressed and get out of here."

"No, take your time. I'll make you some breakfast while you take a shower or whatever you want to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Totally sure."

"Ok, thank you. Your shower looks amazing. Wanna join me?" I laughed.

"Yes, I wanna join you, but I won't. A shower together will end up running me out of water, I'm sure." There's that laugh again. "I'll make you some breakfast and you have fun."

"Ok. Thanks." She closed the door.

I groaned as I pulled my body out of bed. That was a lot of non-sleep and exertion. Pulling on my robe, I went to the ensuite in the guest room and took a quick shower myself. Nothing like a shower to reset your brain.

Heading downstairs, I started pulling together our breakfast. I was planning eggs, bacon, asparagus, tomatoes, and a good hit of strong coffee.

I heard the soft padding of her feet down the stairs as I was finishing up. She rounded the corner and snuggled into my side.

"Mmm. That looks amazing, Dom. I didn't know you were such a great cook."

"I had to learn to survive and I like good food. Watching YouTube and the food channel helped a lot."

"What are your secrets?"

"Cook and bake everything at 350F, undercook your eggs because they will continue to cook even on the plate, and…" I looked up in the sky for inspiration, "if all else fails, throw some shredded cheese on top." We laughed. It was the truth.

"I love it and I love the way this breakfast is looking." Calla's eyes were wide as she took in the colorful plate.

We took our plates outside to the patio and, sitting under the umbrella, enjoyed the late morning. As we ate, I caught glimpses of her. Between our chatter, I realized that this felt easy. Was Calla the one?

I pushed that question out of my mind. Too early, Dom. Too early. Down dick, down.

Washing the meal down with a swirl of coffee, I sat back in my chair and stretched.
