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Our bodies pressed even closer together, the heat between us intensifying with every beat of the music. It was as if everyone else in the room had disappeared, leaving just the two of us lost in our own world.

"Calla," I whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver in response. "You have no idea what you're doing to me right now."

"Is that so?" she replied, her voice laced with seduction. "Maybe you should tell me all about it."

"I think we had a nice little prelude earlier, but I'm willing to continue telling you," I agreed, reluctantly pulling away as the song came to an end. Our breathing was heavy, our bodies slick with perspiration from the intensity of our dance.

"Let's take a break and grab another drink," I suggested, leading her back to the bar and getting our regular order.

"Cheers to finding hidden talents in unexpected places," Calla said with a wink, clinking her glass against mine.

"Damn straight," I agreed, downing a gulp of my whiskey. "But just so you know, this isn't the only hidden talent I have."

Her laughter was infectious, her eyes dancing with delight. "I can't wait to discover them all," she replied, a hint of promise in her voice.

"Trust me, I'm happy to lay them all on the line for you," I brought her close and whispered in her ear, "later tonight, I promise to have you moaning for mercy." I could feel that Calla had a physical reaction to my words.

She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. "You're quite confident, Dr. Harrington. What if I have you moaning for mercy first?"


Chapter 18


The morning sunlight crept through the curtains, casting a golden hue over the room. I stirred beneath the silk sheets, feeling their softness against my skin as I slowly became aware of my surroundings. Dominic's bed. The memories of the previous night came flooding back, bringing with them a warmth that spread through my body and settled in the pit of my stomach. I smiled to myself, remembering him playfully crying out for mercy during our antics…

The feel of his skin, the softness and the roughness, all held together in one perfect body. He wanted to please me, that's for sure, and I wanted to please him. Seeing him with his eyes closed, enjoying being inside me, brought up the most amazing feelings.

I turned towards his side of the bed, but it was empty, the sheets cool to the touch. A pang of disappointment shot through me, but I quickly shook it off. I knew he was used to getting up early, so this wasn't unexpected. But still, I couldn't deny that a part of me had hoped to wake up wrapped in his arms.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up into a sitting position, my legs dangling off the edge of the bed. I stretched out my arms, feeling the delicious ache in my muscles from our passionate night together. Swinging my legs to the side, I took a moment to steady myself before standing up. My eyes scanned the room for something to wear, ultimately landing on a plush white robe hanging on the back of the door.

Crossing the room, I slipped the robe on; the fabric falling around me like a comforting embrace. I tied the belt around my waist and couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at wearing Dom's robe. It was lush and clearly top quality. God, I could live in this.

As I walked toward the kitchen, my thoughts drifted to him, wondering what he might be doing at that very moment. Were his thoughts consumed by me as mine were of him? Or had he already moved on to more pressing matters? I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts. I had to accept that he was a busy guy with tons on his mind. Watching him in action last night was such a turn on. And his tuxedo? It just fit his body like a glove. He was mouthwateringly perfect.

It was time to focus on the task at hand: making breakfast for the man who had given me a night to remember.

My bare feet padded softly against the cold hardwood floor as I entered the kitchen. The space was immaculate, not a single dish or utensil out of place. It was clear that Dominic took pride in his home, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for him. He was a man who had accomplished so much in his life, and yet he remained grounded and humble.

As I gathered the ingredients for breakfast, my mind wandered back to our conversation from the previous night. We had shared stories of our pasts, divulging secrets and fears that we had never spoken aloud before. It was an intimacy that went beyond the physical, and it left me feeling more vulnerable than I had ever been.

I stepped into the kitchen, my nurturing side rising to the occasion as I planned a delicious meal for Dominic. My fingers trailed over the cool marble countertop, appreciating the clean and modern design of his space. This was the perfect environment to create something special, to show him my gratitude for the mind-blowing night we had shared.

"Alright, Calla," I muttered under my breath, rolling up the sleeves of my robe. "Let's do this."

I rummaged through the cabinets, gathering ingredients with a determined focus. Fresh eggs, bacon, soft bread, and ripe tomatoes found their way onto the counter. I preheated the oven, feeling a sense of satisfaction as it warmed up and hummed softly in response.

"Damn, this man has everything," I muttered as I spotted a cast-iron skillet, perfect for cooking the bacon to crispy perfection.

As the sizzling sound of bacon filled the air, I couldn't help but smile. The rich aroma wafted around me, mingling with the scent of toast that crackled and popped in the toaster. The cozy and inviting atmosphere enveloped me like a warm embrace, and I found myself humming happily as I prepared breakfast.

"I sure hope he likes avocado," I mused, slicing one open and scooping out the creamy green flesh.

My thoughts kept drifting back to Dominic, wondering how he would react to my surprise. Would he appreciate my effort or find it unnecessary? I shook my head, dismissing the uncertainty. If there was one thing I knew about Dominic, it was that he enjoyed good food, and damn it, I was going to give him the best breakfast of his life.

"Alright, let's see if these culinary skills pay off," I whispered, cracking an egg into the hot pan.
