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"Thanks," he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "You're not so bad yourself." He teased me, as I was still wrapped in his robe. We both laughed as I headed back to put on my clothes so that we could head back to my place for me to freshen up. It might have looked weird for me to leave in my evening gown again so Dom lent me a T-shirt to put over the dress. At least it made it a little more casual.

As we walked down the hallway, I tried to focus on the present moment; the feel of Dominic's warm hand enveloping mine, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the corridor, the shared laughter as we joked about our respective fashion choices. But even as I tried to lose myself in these simple pleasures, I couldn't shake the feeling that the unresolved conversation was hovering over us like a dark cloud, threatening to burst at any moment.

"Hey," Dominic said softly, squeezing my hand as we reached the elevator. "I know you don't want to talk about it right now, but please remember that I'm here for you, okay? Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice thick with a mix of gratitude and fear. "But for now, can we just drop it?"

"Of course," he agreed, pressing the elevator button with a soft click.

As the doors slid open and we stepped inside, my heart ached with both yearning and self-preservation – torn between my desire to let Dominic in and the instinct to protect myself from potential pain. And as I looked into his caring eyes, I knew that this wasn't a subject that could be dropped forever.

Chapter 19


By all accounts, I had a great day. I started with a meeting with Dr. Al-Sawi and his team in Kenya. It was pretty invigorating, knowing the potential that we could have to change lives. There was still a lot to do; the trip couldn't be for another six months. I would need time to review all the patient files and they would need time to organize the logistics. Dr. Al-Sawi was dedicated to being right by my side through the whole thing.

As much as I wanted to control every single detail, I knew this was going to be a great exercise in just letting go of a few things. I had to trust Dr. Al-Sawi and his team. I was the foreigner here and I needed to rely on the information and details they were putting together. Of course, I had Seth and his team of lawyers investigating in background, but so far, so good. Seth assured me that I could keep focussing on the medical issues and he would keep me informed of all the other parts. It was so good to have that voice of reason that Seth brought to the table.

With that aside, I had to catch up on office matters. My in-hospital day was coming up and there was so much paperwork to do as well as updating the spreadsheets for the investment fund and the foundation. No rest for the wicked.

Just at that moment, my phone pinged.



Vic always left me hanging. Good thing there wasn't a charge per text. She definitely wasn't optimizing her word/text ratio.


… It was clear she was typing. I sat there and looked at my phone. Part of me knew I didn't have time for this, but…

I just wanted to thank you again for the weekend in Boston. I told you I wouldn't see you again. Let's just say Jay is a perfect gentleman and I might have had the most amazing time with him. Not only is he a hunk, but he's got personality as well. And not that you've asked, but he has silk sheets.

Thanks for sharing. I'm not surprised you pulled the new doc. Vic always works her charm.

Indeed she does.

How are things with Calla? Are you taking more time for yourself?

Trying to take more time, but yeah, lots to do. Some excellent opportunities came out of the gala.

…and Calla? Don't avoid the question!

I have to admit. As much as I was loving the time spent with Calla, I was missing some depth. She wasn't letting me in. But I didn't think that was anything to talk to Vic about. At least not yet.


Oops, got lost in my thoughts.

Everything is going great. As you saw for yourself, she's the real deal.

She looks like it. I'm happy for you, bro. Let me know if you want some marketing help. You know I love it. But hey, she's young and probably has her finger on the pulse.

Will do. We haven't done too much marketing yet, but I'll keep your offer in mind. Gotta somehow get you to pay back the dent you put in the credit card.

You got it. Anything for you.
