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"Neither do I," Cassie chimed in, squeezing my hand gently.

"Promise," I whispered, forcing a smile onto my face. But as my friends continued chatting about more lighthearted topics, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I was playing with fire – and it was only a matter of time before I got burned. I could see that the two still were not done with the topic yet and they’d eventually circle back to it.

"Okay, let's say this really is just a fling, as you say," Ava began, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. "What happens when it's over? How will that affect your working relationship with Dominic?"

I frowned, my fingers tapping nervously on the table. I hadn't thought that far ahead. The truth was, I didn't have an answer for her – and that scared me.

"Uh, well... I don't know," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "We haven't really discussed that."

"Shit, Calla," Cassie muttered, shaking her head. "You realize you're playing with fire here, right?"

"Cass, I know," I snapped, my frustration getting the better of me. "But what am I supposed to do? Just walk away from him because it might not end well?"

"Maybe," Ava said gently, reaching across the table to touch my hand. "Or at least find a way to protect yourself if things go south. You would be the one to lose your job, you know."

As I stared into the concerned faces of my friend and sister, something inside me shifted. I knew they were right. The potential fallout from my relationship with Dominic was too great to ignore. The last thing I needed was for our passionate affair to end in disaster, leaving me jobless and heartbroken.

"Fuck," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"Hey, we're just looking out for you," Cassie said softly, giving me a reassuring smile. "We care about you, Calla. We don't want you to get hurt."

"Thanks, guys," I whispered, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. "I appreciate it. I really do."

"Alright," I said, forcing a smile and attempting to lighten the mood. "Enough doom and gloom. Let's talk about something more upbeat. Like... What do you call a doctor who fixes broken websites?"

"Um, I don't know," Cassie replied, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"A URLologist!" I exclaimed, grinning at my own terrible joke. But despite my efforts, the uneasy feeling lingering inside me refused to dissipate. They both chuckled politely, but they could see right through me.

"Calla," Ava spoke up, her voice gentle, "we just want you to know that whatever happens between you and Dominic, we're here for you. No matter what."

"Definitely," Cassie chimed in, reaching across the table to give my hand a comforting squeeze. "You've always been there for us, so it's only fair that we return the favor."

I looked down at their joined hands on top of mine and felt my heart swell with gratitude. Knowing that I had such supportive people meant the world to me, especially now when I found myself navigating these uncertain waters with Dominic.

"Thank you both," I murmured, trying to blink back the tears that threatened to spill over. "Your friendship means everything to me."

"Aw, Calla, don't get all mushy on us now," Cassie teased, trying to lighten the mood once more. "We've got your back, no questions asked. Just promise you'll keep us in the loop, okay?"

"Of course," I agreed, offering them a watery smile. "I promise."

As our conversation continued, I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that I needed to take some time to truly evaluate my feelings for Dominic and consider whether our relationship was worth the potential fallout. But one thing was certain: no matter what conclusion I reached, I knew I could count on Ava and Cassie to be there for me every step of the way.

We spent the rest of our time at the café chatting about everything from movies to the latest fashion trends, effectively putting my relationship conundrum on the back burner for the time being. It was refreshing to simply enjoy their company without the weight of my worries pressing down on me.

Chapter 21


The neon lights of the bar flickered above me as I pushed open the creaky door. Stepping inside, the familiar scent of stale beer and damp wood greeted me like an old friend. My gaze swept over the dimly lit room, searching for Hugo, Logan, Austin, and Seth. It wasn't long before I spotted their familiar faces huddled together at our usual corner booth.

"Hey, you made it!" Hugo called out, grinning from ear to ear as he waved me over. I couldn't help but smile back; his enthusiasm was infectious.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied, sliding into the booth beside Austin. A round of handshakes and backslaps followed as we exchanged greetings. We'd been friends since med school, and despite our busy careers, we always found time to catch up and let loose.

"Damn, Dom, you look exhausted," Austin commented, taking a sip of his whiskey. "Have you been sleeping?"

"More or less," I said with a shrug, not wanting to admit how much Calla had been occupying my time lately. "I still don't think I'm up to the Seth level of exhaustion." It was well-known that Seth's time at the office was way over the top, but as a lawyer, he had to put in the time to prepare for the big cases. At least that's what was expected in their industry.
