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"Cheers," I echoed, clinking our glasses together before taking a sip of my Whiskey Sour. The tangy taste danced on my tongue, and I couldn't help but sigh in contentment.

"Oh my god, that's good," I said, appreciating every drop of the drink.

"Right? This place never disappoints," Dominic agreed, taking a sip of his Old Fashioned.

As we sipped our drinks and chatted about the events of the day, I couldn't help but let my guard down around him. The more time I spent with Dominic, the more I wanted to learn about the man behind the charming facade. Little did I know that the night was just beginning, and our connection was about to deepen in ways I could never have anticipated.

"Alright," Dominic said, leaning in closer with a playful smile. "How about we play a little game to pass the time and get to know each other better?"

"Depends on the game," I replied cautiously, intrigued by his suggestion, but not wanting to reveal too much of myself just yet.

"Nothing too crazy, I promise," he assured me. "It's called '3 Questions.' We take turns asking each other three personal questions. You can't lie or avoid answering, but you can ask for clarification if you need it."

"Three questions each, huh?" I mused, mentally weighing the risks and benefits of playing along. On one hand, I hated opening up, but on the other hand, Dominic had shown me through his words and actions that he was trustworthy.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot," I agreed, taking another sip of my whiskey sour for courage. "But no judgment, okay?"

"Deal," Dominic said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'll go first. What's something you've always wanted to do but never had the chance to?"

I thought for a moment, pondering the possibilities. "I've always wanted to travel the world," I admitted, feeling a sudden surge of wanderlust. "There are so many places I'd love to see, and I've never really had the opportunity to explore them."

"Traveling is amazing," Dominic agreed, nodding at my response. "Maybe one day we could go on an adventure together."

"Maybe," I said, trying not to let my heart race at the thought of traveling the world with this gorgeous man. "Alright, my turn.” I rushed to break the rules. I was afraid of where the game could possibly take us.

“Hey! I still have two more questions before you get to ask me,” he protested.

“C’mon Dominic. Break the rules a little,” I said with a chuckle and a wink.

“Fine,” he responded with a sigh of defeat.

"Okay." I hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "What was... the worst day of your life? I mean, if you don't mind sharing." I felt a twinge of guilt for asking such a personal question, but there was a part of me that wanted to understand the man sitting before me – to know him beyond the professional façade he presented to the world.

Dominic's eyes flickered with surprise at my question, and for a moment, he seemed lost in thought. Finally, he took a deep breath and began to speak. "The worst day of my life... that would have to be when I lost my grandfather."

"Your grandfather?" I asked softly, genuinely sorry for bringing up such a painful memory.

"Yeah," he nodded, his voice strained. "He was my favorite person in the whole damn world. We were incredibly close, and he taught me so much about life, work, and what it means to be a good person. He was my rock, you know?"

I reached out and gently touched his hand, offering silent support as he continued. "When he passed away, it felt like the ground had been ripped out from beneath me. Everything I knew and understood just... shattered. It was the first time I'd ever experienced a loss like that, and it fucking broke me."

"God, Dominic, I'm so sorry," I murmured, squeezing his hand to let him know I was there for him. "How did you... I mean, how do you deal with something like that?"

"Time, mostly," he admitted with a sad smile. "And finding ways to honor his memory. Like working hard and always striving to be the best version of myself. That's what he would've wanted, I think."

"Your grandfather sounds like an amazing man," I said sincerely. "I'm sure he'd be so proud of you, Dominic."

"Thanks, Calla," he replied, giving me a grateful smile. "That means a lot."

For a moment, we sat in silence, the air between us filled with a newfound sense of understanding and connection. It was as if our conversation had opened up a door to a more intimate aspect of our relationship, allowing us to see each other in a different light – one that went beyond the confines of work and polite small talk. I was starting to understand why Dominic wanted us to be more open with each other.

"Alright," Dominic said, breaking the quiet with a determined expression. "Enough about me and my sob story. Your turn again, Calla."

"Okay," I agreed, trying to shake off the heaviness from the previous topic. "Let's see... What do you think is the most ridiculous thing you've ever done while drunk?"

Dominic laughed, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "Oh, now that's a story worth telling." And as he launched into a tale of drunken shenanigans, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this rare glimpse into his true self – a man who, despite his many successes and achievements, was still human, vulnerable, and beautifully flawed.

"Alright, my turn again," Dominic said, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What's your biggest dream? Something you've always wanted to achieve?"
