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She took the opportunity to slip out of her seat, putting even more distance between her and the creep. "You know what, I just remembered I promised Mark I'd catch up with him tonight. Thanks for the drinks, but I've got to go."

The guy glared at me, his face red with anger. "You're ditching me for this asshole? You've got to be kidding me. And your name is Jill, not Calla? Fucking bitches lie all the damn time!"

"Watch your mouth," I warned, my voice icy as I met his gaze head-on. He clenched his fists but eventually backed down, muttering obscenities under his breath as the girl grabbed her purse and followed me back to my friends' table.

"Thank you so much for saving me from that nightmare," she said earnestly once we were out of earshot. "I'm Calla, by the way."

"Dominic," I replied, smiling warmly. "It was my pleasure, really. No one should have to endure a date like that."

"Seriously, I can't thank you enough," she reiterated, her relief palpable. "What a fucking creep."

"Hey, how about you join us for the rest of the night?" I offered, gesturing to my friends. "We're just hanging out, and I promise we're way more fun than that guy."

I could see her hesitate. I admit, our table could be somewhat intimidating. Four men out on the town, a young woman… but then she seemed to find her confidence. "Sounds perfect," she agreed with a grateful smile. "I could definitely use some good company after that mess."

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Calla," I announced as we approached the table. Their eyes widened in surprise but quickly shifted to warm smiles as they took in the beautiful woman beside me. They all welcomed her in the way I knew my guys would, which I hoped made the situation a little less intimidating for Calla.

"Calla, these bastards are my brothers from different mothers: Logan, Austin, Seth, and Hugo," I continued, gesturing to each one in turn.

"Nice to meet you all," Calla said politely, extending her hand to each of them. They shook her hand with enthusiasm, their expressions radiating genuine friendliness.

"Welcome to our little gathering, Calla," Logan said, his gentle hazel eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. "We're happy to have you join us."

"Definitely a welcome addition to the group. I think you've increased the looks and charm factor of this group by 1000%," Austin chimed in, his piercing blue eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Ah, bella ragazza," Hugo added with a charming grin, his Italian accent making the words sound even more enticing. "Dominic was wise to invite you."

"Don't get too attached to these guys," Seth wisely added. "They're all medical nutballs. As the only lawyer, I'm the sane one in the group." We all chuckled. Good ol' Seth.

Despite being slightly overwhelmed, Calla settled into her chair. "Thanks for having me," Calla replied, taking a seat on a chair I pulled from another table, placed between Hugo and me. Her presence seemed to breathe new life into the conversation, and soon we were all engaged in lively banter. She really seemed to come out of her shell.

"Dominic, you have such interesting friends," Calla laughed playfully as Hugo regaled her with tales of his Italian family's antics.

"Hey, we've got plenty of stories to share," I retorted playfully, glancing at Calla and feeling a warmth in my chest that hadn't been there earlier in the evening. Her laughter was infectious, and it struck me how much she fit in with our group.

"Speaking of stories, Dominic, remember that time we had to give that presentation on surgical techniques in med school? And you accidentally used Austin's slides on from our Vegas trip?" Logan asked, his eyes dancing with mischief.

"Of course, I remember. How could I forget? Austin still hasn't let me live that one down," I said, rolling my eyes playfully while shooting a mock glare at Austin.

"Hey, it's not every day you get to see Dominic stammer his way through slides that weren't supposed to ever see the light of day outside our circle," Austin responded, laughing heartily as he clapped me on the back. "In all seriousness though, he managed to pull it off quite impressively."

"Maybe you should share some of your crazy stories, Calla," I suggested, turning to her with a teasing grin. "I bet you've got some wild tales to tell."

"Ha, well, there was this one time during finals back in business school when a group of us decided to sneak into the library after hours for a late-night study session," Calla began, her eyes glinting with mischief as she recounted the story. "We thought we were being so clever, but then campus security caught us and escorted us out in front of everyone."

"Ah, the thrill of breaking the rules," Hugo said, winking at Calla. "We've all been there at one point or another."

"I think you're going to get along very with Simone, my sister. She was very much a bit of a trouble maker growing up." Seth added. "And that's why she ended up with Hugo." The table erupted in the good burn at Hugo's expense.

"Hey, hey. Only I know who the lucky guy is at this table." Hugo exclaimed. We all knew that his relationship with Simone was something special. She was a great girl.

As the conversation continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with Calla. The laughter and lighthearted banter had created an atmosphere that was both fun and relaxed, exactly what we all needed after our busy days. It felt as if Calla had always been a part of our group.

As the night wore on, the amber glow from the bar's overhead lights accentuated the warmth that radiated between our group. Calla's infectious laughter filled my ears, and I noticed how her eyes sparkled each time we exchanged glances. It was evident that the chemistry between us was growing stronger, and it seemed impossible to ignore.

As the conversation flowed, Calla and I found ourselves sharing more personal stories and interests. It was fascinating to discover the different layers of her personality – her love for music, her passion for cooking, and her desire to someday travel the world.

"Ever since I was a kid, I've been obsessed with trying out new recipes," she confessed, a hint of shyness creeping into her voice. "It started with me watching my mom in the kitchen, and then eventually, I took over. My friends think it's funny that I can whip up a gourmet meal, but still manage to burn toast."

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