Page 110 of Crushed By Love

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“Yeahhh,” Hayes draws out his answer but doesn’t look at me.

He’s sprawled out on the downstairs couch playing video games while Chandler watches with rapt attention. Their vacation has consisted of more Zelda than anything else, so it’s no surprise that the animated princess holds their attention far better than I currently am.

“Do you think you could give me a ride?”

Pausing his game, he turns on me with a raised eyebrow. “You don’t know how to drive?”

“Hey, don’t pause it,” Chandler groans.

“Sorry, but I need to talk to Hayes.”

Chandler rolls his eyes and reaches out for the controller. “My turn?”

Hayes passes him the remote and Chandler resumes playing, his focus entirely on the television screen.

“I never learned to drive,” I admit, plopping down next to Hayes and watching Zelda climb a tower. “It’s on my list of things to do. Can you give me a ride or what?”

“Ask Sybil.”

No way in hell I’m asking Sybil. “She’s sleeping. She’s got a migraine.”

“What about Mom or Dad?”

“They’re on the boat, remember?” And also, they can’t know about this either. But they went out deep sea fishing at the butt crack of dawn and tried to get us to go with them. Nobody wanted to get up that early and I certainly didn’t want to get on a boat. They are convinced I’m going to change my mind about boats by the end of our trip.

He sighs, gives a look of longing at the remote in Chandler’s hands, then back to me. “Where am I taking you?”

I don’t like lying to people and I especially don’t like lying to Hayes, but I also can’t tell him the complete truth. He wouldn’t understand. “I just need to go back to the yacht club.”


“I left something there,” I lie, immediately wishing I hadn’t.

His eyebrow quirks. “What did you leave?”

One lie always leads to two and I need to backtrack. “Why are you being so nosy? I thought you liked driving and will make any excuse to drive, or was your mom exaggerating?”

“You’re right.” He peels himself off the couch, acting like he’s doing me some huge favor, but I can already tell he’s excited to get behind the wheel.

Five minutes later we’re in his dad’s prized Bronco and Hayes decides to answer my question seemingly out of the blue. “I’ve always been nosy. It’s a misconception that girls are nosy and guys aren’t. We’re just as curious as anyone else.” He’s back to his peppy-self and the kid I’m used to. “So what did you forget at the yacht club?”

My pride. My heart. Take your pick. “Um––a necklace.” My voice comes out all wobbly.

God, I’m such a bad liar and guilt hits me immediately for lying. “The little one with the seashell that you wear all the time?”

My cheeks flame. “I didn’t realize you noticed.” I bought that necklace two summers ago. It’s my one physical souvenir from that summer and I can’t seem to let it go. However, I’m not wearing it today. It’s currently sitting on my dresser next to the roses.

“Umm—” my voice trails off. I really don’t want to lie.

“You can tell me the truth, you know.”

I eye him sidelong, wondering if that’s actually true. I want to trust him, but he’s a seventeen-year-old kid who might accidentally blurt something out at the most inopportune moment. “Since when did you become so perceptive?” I say instead. “Don’t worry about me.”

We find parking and he climbs out after I do. “It’s okay.” I assure him. “I’ll find a ride back.”

He scoffs at that and I realize my mistake. “What the hell is going on with you? You said you needed a ride. You’ll be done in five minutes and I’ll wait for you right here.”

“I’ll just Uber back.” God, I sound like an idiot right now.
