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“So, plant-based,” Hale confirmed. “I’ve read good things about that.”

“You’d be amazed how many athletes are cutting out meat and dairy. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example.”

Elle looked enthralled. I was utterly bored and admiring all the tchotchkes nailed to the walls. Was that really Axl Rose’s guitar?

When Elle finally smiled at me, I lunged for that fragile olive branch, diving into conversation that revolved around something other than juicing and supplements. “Did you look at the email I sent you about the dresses?”

“I did. I love the dark blue.”

Relieved she liked it, my smile grew. The weight on my shoulders was getting lighter. “You always look great in cool tones.”

Sapphire was our accent color, because it reminded me of the ocean and our days on the Lady Parr when there was nothing but cerulean sea and blue skies for miles. That was where I fell in love with Hale, so blue seemed a fitting wedding color.

When the waitress arrived with our cocktails I eagerly accepted my margarita. Hale had ordered a Manhattan for himself, but based on the ambiance I knew he wasn’t going to be happy with the result. This was the kind of place that put maraschino cherries in everything. When he sipped I caught his subtle wince at the alcohol quality.

Paul looked disappointed. “Wait a minute.”

The waitress paused and looked at him expectantly. “Did you change your mind about cocktails?”

“No. This water has ice in it. Can you please bring us room temperature water, no ice?”

“Of course.” She took the glasses away.

Paul gave a tight-lipped smile that screamed intolerance. “Cold beverages shock the liver. It’s an American habit that’s not doing us any favors.”

“I come from the school of beliefs that alcohol kills everything,” I joked, licking the salt off the rim of my margarita. “Germs and stuff.”

“That’s not true.”

I was going at my cocktail like a horse on a salt-lick. Did this guy honestly think I looked like someone concerned with scientific fact at the moment?

He grimaced at my delightfully toxic beverage. “If you knew how much sodium and sugar was in that margarita you might feel differently.”

“Oh, Paul,” I teased with feigned patience. “Let’s not spoil the things that bring me joy, okay?”

“That’s the problem with the health in this country. No one wants to do anything until it’s too late.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but my mind blanked. The fading sunlight coming from a nearby window glinted and my attention snagged on the enormous fake diamond in Paul’s ear.

Wow. P Diddy called and he wants his rock back…

I had to force myself to look away.

Thankfully, Hale saved me. “So, Paul, how long have you worked at the gym?”

“Nine years. I’m their best trainer, sort of like the boss on the floor…”

As he spoke, my eyes narrowed on his beard. Was that a beard? It looked more like the strap of a birthday hat, but made out of hair. How did Elle go from Barrett to this?

I tried not to judge, but the dude was a total me-monster. His ego was sucking up all the air, and since he gave no one else a chance to talk I had nothing better to do then pick him apart mentally as I drained my margarita. I knew it was destructive and unkind, but I also knew a douche-canoe when I met one.

What I didn’t know was why or how Elle liked him. There had to be something I wasn’t seeing, so I looked harder. But the deeper I examined his shallow persona the more I realized there was absolutely no depth to Paul.

“…the gym would have folded if not for me bringing in so many clients on a regular basis.”

He shifted in his seat and my nose twitched at the scent of drugstore cologne.

“You work out, Hale?”
