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“Ugh, you can be so difficult sometimes.” I stabbed my fork into the broccoli. “If I say no, there’s nothing you can do.”

“I think we both know how that would end.”

“In court?”

“Oh, please.” He laughed. “You enjoy it too much. Five minutes and I’d have you drenched and begging.”

“You make it sound like I have no self-control. A lot of couples stop having sex during their engagement.”

“I’m not giving up sex, Rayne.”

“Well, your fiancée is, so have fun with your hand.”

Unimpressed, he set down his fork. “This is ridiculous. We have a healthy sexual relationship and we both benefit from that strong intimate connection. Why would you want to tamper with that?”

He was adorable when he used the right words and high emotional IQ to communicate his needs. Hale was so evolved compared to some of the men I’d met early on in life.

“We can still do other stuff?—”

“Blow jobs?”

I glanced over at Elara who repeatedly whacked her bowl on the tray of her high chair.

“I meant kissing and making out. Nothing with penetration.”

He rolled his eyes and reached for the baby food. “This is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard. Did I do something to piss you off? Have you not enjoyed yourself?”

“Hale, you know I always enjoy it.”

He eyed me suspiciously. “Women fake orgasms.”

I snorted. “I’m not stage trained. Besides, you would totally be able to tell if I faked it.”

The baby spoon rattled against the glass jar as he swiped up a spoonful of green goop and grumbled something under his breath.

“Why do you force her to eat that sludge? She doesn’t like it.”

He spooned another mouthful of strained peas into Elara’s mouth and the poor child grimaced, spitting it down her chin.

There goes another bib.

Hale scraped the slime off her face with the rubber coated spoon and pushed it back into her mouth. “She needs vegetables.”

“She likes the sweet potatoes.” I had to look away, unable to bear the pleading look she sent me.

He tried for another bite and she spit the green goop all over the highchair tray. “Hand me a napkin.”

“Her poop’s gonna be nasty if you make her eat that whole jar. I’m not changing it.”

“This is what babies eat.”

I nearly gagged every time I smelled the nasty sludge. “Have you ever tasted it?”

“I don’t need to taste it to know it’s good for her.”

“Taste it.”

He gave me an unimpressed look and I laughed.
