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I tried again, but I couldn’t command my voice to vocally say that my father was a complete loser who was only using me to steal from my future husband.

“Please don’t be mad at me, Hale. I’m just…” I was still too fragile and on the verge of breaking and he was too far away. I wanted him here. “I never should have left without you.”

“Then why did you?”

“Because I was trying to handle things myself.”

“What things? What’s going on?”

“Everything’s f—fine.” I almost got the statement out without my voice breaking. Almost.

“Rayne…” he rasped, hearing the pain I couldn’t articulate. “Whatever’s going on, just talk to me. I won’t be mad.”

My chin trembled. No, he wouldn’t be mad. But it still hurt too much to explain. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Rayne, baby, whatever it is, just talk to me.”

I wanted to. I wanted to give him exactly what he asked, but I couldn’t. “Just get here and everything will be perfect. I promise. Everything is going to be fine.”

If I kept telling myself everything would be fine it would eventually happen, right?

“You’re not telling me something. You said there was bride drama. What happened? Did you and Elle have another fight?”

I didn’t want to lie. “No. It was stupid. One of my…accessories turned out to be broken. I handled it.”

“An accessory? You’re sure that’s all that’s going on.”

“Yes. Everything’s…fine.” And in the big picture, it was. I had Hale. I was safe. Elara was safe. My dad was not going to overshadow those blessings. “I love you and I can’t wait to see you.”

He sighed and I could tell he wanted me to give him more. “What was it—the accessory that broke? I’m sure we can replace it if it has you this upset.”

He was so good to me. “No one will even realize it’s missing. Besides, it didn’t fit anyway. I’m over it.”

“You don’t sound like you’re over it. I can tell you’re upset. If it’s something you want, Rayne, let’s replace it.”

Too numb and empty to think up more excuses, I said, “Please drop it, Hale.” Even talking proved too strenuous. “I’m exhausted and I haven’t eaten all day. I just want to go to bed and start over. I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

“You’re sure?”


He sighed. “Fine. Get some sleep, baby. I’ll be there tomorrow morning and we can talk more then.”


“And answer your phone.”

As soon as we ended the call I turned my phone back on and collapsed into bed, drawing the pillow over my face.

I’d eventually tell Hale the truth but tomorrow seemed too soon. Ideally, I’d like to push all this family drama under the rug until after the wedding, but knowing Hale that wouldn’t happen.

He liked to attack problems head on. He was extremely solution oriented. There was no solution here. Just a deadbeat dad and a disappointed daughter. Some things just needed time and space to process.

On Your Marks…

I’d fallen back into a restless sleep, which I awoke from several times, hungry and looking for food, but whenever I checked the cabinets and fridge my appetite disappeared.

The following morning, when my phone vibrated on the nightstand, I croaked out a hello and awoke to Seraphina’s exuberant voice.
