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We were going to sign the prenup after all. That was fine. I knew he wouldn’t be able to get out of it. I’d already come to terms with the fact that these things came with obscenely wealthy spouses. The sting would wear off eventually.

Strangely, the impending ick wasn’t associated with Hale. I connected those unsavory feelings of marital business deals to his father, a man who admittedly loved me, but would always love his assets a little more.

I didn’t want Hale’s money so I didn’t care if he or his father protected it. I just wanted him. A piece of paper wasn’t going to change that. And my love wasn’t enough to change how the Davenports conducted their affairs.

Remington did love me. But he wasn’t the person that should give me away.

I looked to my mother. Should I ask her? She’d been the one to raise me after all. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that assigning her such a duty might stress her out more than flatter her. She’d been having such a good time all week I didn’t want to ruin it.

As I looked across the table, I watched my mother laugh and pat Hale’s cheek with such affection. Hale teased her, sort of the way he teased me. It was such a sweet picture, I took a mental snapshot, wanting to keep it in my heart always.

A glass clanked and voices quieted.

“Can I have your attention, please?” Barrett stood, something amber filling the rocks glass in his hand, strong enough to cause his words to come out slightly slurred. He leaned heavily into the chair at his left. “When my brother told me he was going to ask Rayne to be his wife, my first thought was it’s too soon. But then I considered Hale and I got to know Rayne, and it somehow made complete sense.”

He looked at his brother and shook his head then chuckled to himself. “Hale, you’ve always relentlessly gone after whatever you want. It’s easy to see why you’d want Rayne. She’s beautiful, clever, quick with a comeback, and able to laugh at herself in the best way.” He glanced at me and the room collectively held its breath. “All-in-all…” He smiled, our stares holding. “You’re the whole package, Meyers.” He cleared his throat and looked back at his brother. “When you told me you wanted to marry her, I knew it was a sure thing.”

The weight of Hale’s arm rested protectively over my shoulders. I looked up at him, but his stare was locked on his brother—his expression unreadable.

Barrett’s gaze returned to mine. “No one’s ever made my brother smile the way you do. You’ve given him more...” He hiccupped. “…for the rest of us to envy.”

The air thinned and tension tightened around us. I smiled nervously. Where was he going with this?

“Wrap it up, Barrett,” Hale said under his breath.

The ice clanked in Barrett’s glass as he lifted it high overhead. “Meyers, you have a way of making imperfection sexy as hell.” He grinned and winked at me. “Never change.” Tossing back the rest of his drink, he swallowed the last gulp. “To both of you.”

“Kiss!” someone yelled as silverware tapped crystal and there was an eruption of chimes and cheers.

Hale, with his hand on my back, bent down and kissed me sweetly. Then he shook his brother’s hand and lifted his own glass in salute.

“Rayne and I would like to thank all of you for traveling here to be a part of our special day. We did our best to plan an extraordinary week, and I hope you’re as happy as we are to finally be here. Tonight, I feel like a king—on top of the world.” He glanced at me and smiled. “And I’ve finally found my queen.”

“Here, here!”

Hale’s lips pressed to mine and my stomach cartwheeled. I might never get over the thrill of having the complete attention of such a potent man. As he pulled away, I caught a glimpse of Barrett staggering toward the bar.

The final courses were served and cleared, but liquor continued to pour and Barrett didn’t miss a drop. He finally slowed down when Elle and Paul left just before the coffee and desserts were served.

I thought I was done wondering what I had or hadn’t done to deserve her indifference. There wouldn’t be a redo on this milestone and Elle missed all of it. Physically she was here, but mentally and emotionally she abandoned me.

I wanted to be stronger. I didn’t want to chase people who didn’t want to love me. I had so much in front of me to celebrate, and that should be enough. But something still hurt when I thought about Elle. Maybe it always would.

So I sulked, ruining a perfectly fine slice of tiramisu.

“You okay?” Barrett slid into the vacant seat to my left.

“I’m fine.”

“When a woman says she’s fine she’s full of crap. You’re mutilating that cake.”

I set the fork down and pushed the plate away. “She hasn’t even congratulated me.”

“Are we talking about Elle and Bozo the Beefcake?”

“Yes. She’s showing up for the bare minimum and acting like a hero. But behind the scenes there’s this sense of animosity I can’t shake and no one seems to feel or see it but me.”

“Do you think she’s jealous?”
