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“I know. Put everything back the way we found it.”

“You should find a shirt that matches the cream of your suit.”

“Good idea.” I went to get the jumpsuit while Elle looked for cufflinks. When I returned, she was sitting on the upholstered ottoman reading something. “What’s that?”

“I don’t know. It has your name on it.”

I hung up the jumpsuit and crossed the dressing room floor. “Where did you find it?”

“In that drawer. I was looking for cufflinks.” She held the thick sheaf of papers out to me and I took them.

Flipping the document open, I lowered to the leather club chair. This agreement is between Hale Davenport and Rayne Meyers, collectively the “parties” or individually a “party”…

“It looks like some sort of contract.”

I scoffed. “It’s a fucking prenuptial agreement.” My stomach soured as I realized he’d hidden this from me. “Why would he have this?”

“Isn’t that self-explanatory?”

I shook my head. “But I’m not after his money.”

“And I’m sure he knows that, Ray. This is just a precaution. More weird stuff rich people do.”

I frowned and closed the packet. My stare locked on the cover page where both our names were typed. I slid it back into the manilla envelope. “Where did you say you found this?”

She pointed to a drawer. “In there. Are you going to tell him you saw it?”

“I don’t know.” Forgetting about the cufflinks and shirt, I left the dressing room.

Elle followed me down to the kitchen where I proceeded to rip into a tray of Oreos. My thoughts spiraled as I chewed through my emotions.

How long has he been hiding that?

When was he planning on springing it on me?

Should I read the whole thing before he comes home?

A cold sensation settled in my chest and I closed the cookies. “I think I need sleep.”

“Okay.” Elle grabbed her purse and stepped into her shoes. “Call me if you want to talk.”

“Uh-huh.” The door clicked behind her and I set the alarm once I heard her car start.

Good thing I had the foresight to take the cookies with me, because I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going a mile a minute. And around three in the morning I found myself back in Hale’s dressing room, reading over the entire contract.

I wanted to call Remington, but Hale was his son. He needed to take Hale’s side.

I scoffed. This was probably Remington’s idea. He was well-versed in gold diggers and betrayal. Somehow, I was dumb enough to think Hale and I were above that toxicity, but I guess I was wrong.

The next two days were spent working on wedding things. No matter what I found hidden in Hale’s closet, I still wanted to marry him. But now more than ever I felt like I had something massive to prove.

And, if I somehow failed at this marriage, which was a pretty probable possibility being that not a lot of my big plans had panned out, the fallout would destroy me. Davenports had a habit of always coming out on top and I never wanted to be in an oppositional position to one, especially Hale. He could be so cold and cunning when his survival instincts kicked in. Could he be that way with me? I’d personally watched him pay people off and move on with nothing more than cold indifference. The thought of him treating me indifferently was my worst nightmare.

As much as I loved him, I knew he had a vicious side when pushed too far. I never wanted him to react to me the way he reacted to the mention of Jasmine or the other people who betrayed him. I just wanted him to love me.

I finally fell asleep around dawn, but those pesky fears lingered. Now I needed to decide if I should play dumb or confront Hale. Both options left me with a shitty feeling.

Don’t Forget to Floss
