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“Yes, Daddy.”

He yanked me to his chest and swatted my ass, then he kissed me hard. “Text me as soon as you land.”

“You’ll be in the air.”

“Text me anyway.”

“And give your regards to Broadway?” I threw out some jazz hands, but I was too exhausted to go into full cancan a la Rockette.

He laughed. “By now your playlist must have every song to ever mention New York.”

I had to do something while up night after night with insomnia. “I might have downloaded a few more while you were sleeping. Besides, life’s better when you live like the main character of a musical.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” I shouldered through the excruciating ache that always came with goodbyes by pretending I was unfazed by our parting. Elara was a great distraction until I realized I would be leaving her too. “No growing while I’m gone, understand?”

She grabbed my nose and squeezed.

“I arranged a car service, so you don’t have to deal with cabs.”

I swooned with the vapors, going full-on southern. “Why, I do declare, however, would I survive without all these big powerful men in my life makin’ every little decision for me? Such dangers could befall a woman on her own in the big city.”

“I’m serious, Rayne. I don’t want you walking alone at night. And I don’t want you getting into cars with strangers.”

“Is this a service through the hotel or a Davenport employee?”

“This is a private arrangement. He’s a man named Martell Sharoski. He’ll take you wherever you need to go. I already programmed his name in your phone.”

I never mastered that cool double-fingered whistle trick they used to hail cabs in the movies, so I appreciated having a driver. “Thank you.”

“If you have any problems while you’re there, Sharoski will handle it. He’s highly trained in tactical driving and unarmed combat.”

I snorted. “Am I joining the cast of Fast and Furious?”

“The city can be dangerous, Rayne. Sharoski will keep you safe.”

I batted my eyes. “Aren’t you afraid I might pull a Whitney and fall in love with this bodyguard slash driver? You are leaving me all alone, after all.”

He pinched my chin. “Not funny.”

“Is he cute? Tall? How’s his smell?”

“I think you’ll find him about as personable as a longsword. Cute if you don’t mind scars. Taller than most. And he never lets anyone close enough to smell him.”

“Sounds like a real peach.”

“He’s very good at what he does. I’m trusting him with your life.”

“All right, Hale, now you’re making me nervous. I’m only going to New York.”

“A place you’ve only visited once.”

“Yes, but I’m going to be staying in one of the poshest hotels in the country. And your sister’s there. So is Barrett. I’ll be fine.”

He pressed his lips tight and I realized he was truly uncomfortable leaving me.

“Hey.” I hugged him. “Nothing bad’s going to happen. Focus on your work and before you know it we’ll be together again.”
