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“I was hiding in the closet and, at first, you didn’t realize I was in the room.”

“Naked. I remember.”

“Well, a good view is hard to forget.” He chuckled. “But while I was in the closet I heard you two talking. You were upset about something that had to do with Hale. Elle asked you to explain, but you said you couldn’t.”

I remembered that day. I wanted so badly to tell my friend how complicated Hale’s situation was with Elara and Remington and Jasmine, but I’d given Hale my word not to share his secret. I didn’t know that Barrett was listening. At the time, I assumed I was having a private moment with my best friend who I trusted more than anyone in the world. Yet I didn’t break my promise because I didn’t want to break Hale’s trust.

“That was the moment I knew you loved my brother.”

I grinned. “Really?”

He nodded. “I don’t know what you were fighting about, but the fact that you wouldn’t betray his trust—even in secret—proved you were different than all the other women who’ve fucked over Davenport men before.”

“One look at me should have given that away.”

“I’m serious, Meyers. Money changes people’s perception. It also alters how people act around us. Do you know how many assholes have tried to pretend they were my friend over the years just to use me for my name, status, or wealth? How many women have fucked us because they thought dating a Davenport might somehow elevate their careers?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Hale was a virgin before me.”

“Sure he was.” He chuckled. “It gets old and it gets lonely. Elle never wanted anything from me other than an adventure. The days we spent at sea, sailing and fishing, they were some of the realest days I ever had with a woman.”

My heart broke for him. I knew he wasn’t okay about their breakup. “I’m sorry she broke up with you.”

He sighed. “My point is, you’re real with Hale. That’s a rarity in our world. You don’t love him for his money or status. You love him for who he is on the inside. I never would have picked someone like you for my brother, but I honestly believe you’re perfect for each other.”

I didn’t know what to say. That was possibly one of the greatest compliments I’d ever received. So I bumped him with my shoulder. “Thanks.”

He grinned and broke eye contact before the moment grew too heavy to bear. “You’re also a hot mess, which Hale deserves after spending his entire life living like an immaculate tight ass.”

I laughed. I certainly was that.

“I bet you’re a firecracker in bed.”


“Too far?”

“Way too far.”

“Fair enough.”

He led us through a detour where some of the trees had started to bud. The finicky weather was definitely causing nature to gamble with survival. Leaves were blooming and casually shifting the world from grey to soft shades of green.

Just when I was convinced that nothing could shake Barrett from his calm, he flew into a fit in the midst of a busy crosswalk. “Look out!” He took a quick step backward, his arms swatting spastically as people jumped out of his way. “Bee!” He ducked, berserk with fear, as if the thing was about to kill him.

His panicked response set me on full alert. “Are you allergic?”

It was just a fuzzy little bumble bee, but Barrett acted like he was being terrorized by a killer hornet.

“No, I just don’t like bees.”

“Don’t hurt it!” I caught his arms and rolled my eyes, gently waving it away from his face. “Poor thing’s probably all confused from global warming.”

He made a sheepish sound and covered his face. “Is it gone?”

“Relax, Thomas Jay, your acrobat days aren’t over yet.” I swept the little guy toward a tree.

Barrett peeked through his fingers, then looked around, relieved as the bee flew away. “That was close.”
