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“Are you asking if I think Robin got into the Batcave?”

I chuckled. “No way was Batman a bottom. More like a bat getting in the robin’s nest.”

A low laugh rumbled from his chest. “I love where your mind goes after sex.”

“Well, think of how tempting it must have been, fighting all those villains while Robin pranced around in that green speedo and those pixie boots.” I draped my body over his chest and grinned. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Me too.” He glanced at his watch. “What do you say we get dressed and go find something to eat. I’m so jetlagged I’m wired, but eventually I’m going to crash, so we need to get moving before I fall asleep.”

That was Hale, always so regimented and intentional. “We can order room service.”

“I was thinking something nicer.”

“Oh. I didn’t really pack fancy clothes for this trip.”

“I saw a box with your name on it in the sitting room. Maybe you should check it out.”

I perked up. “Prizes?”

When he smirked, I knew he’d brought me a gift. “Better go see what it is.”

Give My Regards to Broadway

I rushed out of bed and raced through the penthouse. “Manhattan just got a glimpse of my bare ass!”

“For shame!” Hale chuckled as he lounged in bed.

I spotted the large red box and squealed. Carrying it back to the master suite, I jumped onto the bed and smiled. “Valentino. You must have been to the thrift store.”

Hale pulled the ribbon. “Very funny.”

He loved surprising me with fancy clothes, and thank God he did, because otherwise I’d live out of hand-me-downs and old college rags. I never asked the prices, because the cost of such spoils would probably make me puke, but I also never said no to a present.

The lid lifted off with a soft whisper of opulence.

Dropping my bare butt to my heels, I pulled apart the tissue. “Oooh…” Cream and mauve silk rippled about delicately sewn green patterns. I lifted the elegant material and gave him a cheeky smile. “Thank you.”

“Do you like it?”

I stood, pulling the bohemian-style dress fully out of the box. It was floor-length with a deep V neckline. “I love it.”

“Good. Put it on. We’re going out.” He rolled out of bed, enough spring in his step that no one would ever assume he was jet-lagged, and left the room.

“Where are you going?”

“I forgot something.” His voice carried from the parlor.

“There’s more?” I admired the dress, holding it to my body and turning to face the gilded mirror behind the vanity.

He returned a moment later and set a gift bag on the bed. “Your shoes, my dear.”

I nosed through the tissue paper and found a simple pair of ballerina flats. Seriously, the man knew me better than anyone. I held them to my chest and smiled up at him. “Hale, these are my perfect size! How did you know my heel height?”

He kissed me then swatted my ass. “Shower. I’ll use the guest bath.”

Hale finished getting ready before I was even out of the bathroom. Music played softly as I did my hair and makeup. The clink of ice meeting crystal told me Hale was mixing himself a drink.

Once my hair was done, I slipped the dress over my head and it slid perfectly into place, no bra needed. Everything fit like a glove. I chuckled and yelled, “How do you know my sizes so well?”
