Page 143 of Lawless God

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“You’re the first person in my life I want to keep safe besides my siblings.” My heart threatens to escape through my throat as the words tumble out. “Maybe…the reasons I’m keeping you here are shifting. Maybe I forgot over the last few weeks why I took you in the first place. I didn’t plan to have an annoying, bratty hell of a woman by my side. The plan was to make you feel the way I did locked behind bars. Fuck, Kayla, I don’t want you to feel even remotely close to how I did there. I want you to feel safe. So maybe if that was the first answer that came to your mind, then for the first time in my life, I’m doing something right?”

I huff, pressing my palm against the door. I hate to say these things out loud, but it’s easier with something separating us.

“I know I did a lot of bad things. I know that while I justify them to myself, they can’t always be justified. I am not a good man, and you’ve experienced that firsthand.”

I swallow thickly. “I’ll never be a good man, but I don’t need to be if you feel safe. I’ve had to learn to live with my demons, Kay. I keep them close, embrace them, or I’d never keep on living. What if that’s what I am to you? Your demon? What if you just…embraced it and kept me close? You could try.”

I take in a shuddered breath, terrified by the lack of response. “Please?”

When she doesn’t say anything for a whole other minute, my fist slams on the door. This woman is driving me past the point of crazy. I’m hot and cold at the same time, feeling like I’m losing my mind because she holds all the cards. I hate that. I hate to love it.

“See, this is why you’re a captive here, Kayla,” I hiss. “Because you don’t want to fucking understand—”

The door is wrenched open. “You were doing so well.” She shakes her head, wiping the blood that’s started to spill from the wound again. “Why did you have to ruin it?”

“You weren’t saying anything.” Why am I panting like I ran a marathon? Is this what she’s turning me into? Someone whose heart kicks into palpitations when he waits for her to give him the time of day? Is she turning me into some sort of lovesick puppy?

I don’t agree with that.

Wait…I don’t have a fucking choice, do I?

“I was processing the fact that this is the most fucked-up thing that’s ever happened to me. Do you mind?”

I lick my lips, failing to stop the smile spreading on my face. “Take your time.”

“Thank you. I’m going to shower now.”

“I’ll come with—”

“No. I’m going to shower alone. I’m going to scrub off that accident and get the feeling of Wynne off me. You can go shower somewhere else.”

“I can wash you.”

“Nathan,” she sing-songs. She blinks up at me with that rare sweet-face weapon she hides so well and twists a strand of hair around her finger. “I thought you wanted me to feel safe. Showering alone makes me feel safe.”

“Oh, you…” I run my tongue across my teeth, shaking my head. “You’re fucking good, you know that? You manipulative little vixen.” I pull the same strand of hair she’s playing with.

“There are countless bathrooms in this place. Go shower somewhere else,” she snaps, then slams the door back in my face again. But this time, I can breathe.

“You better use your grapefruit body wash!”

I’m clean, lying naked on my bed, and overthinking when she finally comes out of the bathroom. When she closed the door in my face, I ran to the nearest guest room, washed in less than five minutes, and ran back here to make sure she wouldn’t be waiting for me.

And when I say I ran, I mean, I sped through the hallway like a good dog fetching his ball.

Turns out, she spent almost an hour in there. I know. I’ve been watching the clock.

She’s naked when she walks out, and I sit up in bed, immediately at attention like the infatuated man I am.

“Are you alrigh—”

She presses a finger to her mouth as she makes her way to me. The lights are off, the room only lit up by the gray light of the full moon. Her porcelain skin is radiant as she sashays to me.

Like an angel coming down from heaven to greet the devil on earth’s neutral grounds.

She straddles me, her hot core pressing against my already hard cock. Fucking dick with a mind of its own. It poisoned my brain with its obsession for Kayla’s body. How am I meant to function when I’m hard ninety-eight percent of the time she’s around? And she’s my captive. She’s always around. I played myself.

She leans down, her lips meeting my neck. She smells of grapefruit and I think I’m becoming high as I breathe her in.
