Page 167 of Lawless God

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Fuck. I know how hard it is to hate him when he opens up.

“Why?” I whisper, as if not asking too loudly means I didn’t ask at all.

“I’m not too sure,” he says pensively. “But I like to assume I can relate to being a monster of a creation, so much so that the creator regrets it entirely. I would assume that’s why my parents abandoned me, right? They created a monster they couldn’t bear to keep. This book is all about the consequences of your actions. It’s important to keep in mind.”

I take a shaky breath.

“I’d like to think I won’t ever make the mistakes Victor Frankenstein made. Anything that comes from me, I’ll cherish with all I have, no matter what.”

I swallow thickly as my heart beats harshly in my chest. “Like kids? You want to be different from your parents?”

He takes a deep breath, but his is completely even compared to mine. “Sure. Like kids.”

There’s a moment of silence while I feel the truth at the tip of my tongue. It almost slips…

“If you’re interested in reading, but it’s too hard, I’ll read it to you.” And now it’s too late.

“You will?”

I’m speaking toward his knee, my cheek on his lap rather than looking up at him. He can’t see the conflicted longing in my gaze.

“It’s not fair for you to miss such a good story because of something you can’t control.”

He readjusts himself on the bed. “Letter One,” he reads.

For what feels like hours, I listen to his soothing voice reading Frankenstein. I don’t know to what chapter we get to before I feel my eyes grow heavy, but it’s getting hard to reconcile the man who chained me to his bed with the man who reads to me because I’m dyslexic.

I don’t even feel the cuff around my ankle when I finally fall asleep on his lap.




Sitting in front of the vanity mirror in the far corner of our bedroom, I look down at the phone in my lap.

I have plenty of messages from last week. Messages I have ignored. Not only that, but I also forgot to delete them. Nate could have found out anytime.

Unknown: North Shore girls can’t be trusted.

I take a deep breath, throwing my head back. The curve in my back makes my nipples press against the silk robe I’m wearing, and I wince at the contact. It was yesterday, and the pain is getting worse every hour. I wonder when they’re meant to stop hurting.

The worst is the way Nate is using them against me. He’s fucked me five times since yesterday, and every single time it started with him playing with the barbel, forcing pain upon my body and knowing perfectly well how much it turns me on.

I sigh to myself, looking at the message sent this morning.

Unknown: In or out.

There are many reasons for me to escape Nate, but the main one is currently wrapped around my ankle.

I’m chained. Again.

The little trust we’d managed to build is completely gone. I’m back to square one. And if he can’t trust me, if I never get a chance to leave on my own, then I won’t be able to get back to the people I love the most. Ever.

That’s not an option.

I lick my lips, feeling my throat tighten.
