Page 3 of Lawless God

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The judge and defense attorney go through some more talks, polling the jury to make sure it was a unanimous decision, and my need to smile twitches my jaw. There’s a new energy rushing through me. The North Shore belongs to my family again. The Kings are back, and we have the Bratva Wolves behind us. The only person linking NSC to the Cosa Nostra is about to go to prison. They have no one, nothing. They’re dead.

I keep my mouth straight, the fear of being in the same room as Nate still weighing on my shoulders. Until I see him walk away in handcuffs, knowing he’s never getting out, I won’t be able to breathe properly.

Judge Falton gives Nate an unimpressed look over his glasses.

“I will add that, while you are not being charged for other crimes, the court is aware of your criminal past and suspicion of being part of a criminal organization. The jury did not take this into consideration for their verdict, and it does not influence your sentence, but I know who you are, Mr. White. It is my task today to impose a sentence. Nathan White, for the murder of Vladimir Volkov, I sentence you to a life of imprisonment without parole.”

The gavel comes down hard against the wood, and power resonates deep within my entire being, ringing the bells of victory.

Nathan White has made my life miserable over the last few months. He is the only man who made me feel true fear again.

And now he knows that you don’t fuck with Kayla King.

Despite my best attempts, the need to look at him as they take him away is too strong. This man made me discover things I didn’t even know about myself. I can have one last look. Like a little gift to myself.

He’s looking right back at me, his dark blond hair tied tightly in a small bun, his eyes piercing through my soul behind his black-rimmed glasses.

I will never see him again. He’s going away forever. I will never feel his hands on my skin, his mouth on mine, his personal brand of torture coursing through my body. My soul is forever broken by him, and yet something in my heart hurts.

I will never feel the things only he can make me feel again.

He turns around one last time, shining bright white teeth at me. His smile always looks like death. Like he has something up his sleeve.

But nothing happens. Of course not. He’s cuffed, surrounded by four police officers who are about to take him to jail. There’s nothing he can do about it.

But he still winks at me, knowing that even if he’s rotting in prison, Nathan White will haunt me forever.



While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Douglas Horton



Monster - Willy Echo


“Kayla King.”

The way my name reverberates in the room when he says it is like nothing I’ve heard before.

It’s lifeless, and yet there is no threat to it. Almost like he’s trying to attempt kindness.

I startle when his knuckles caress my cold cheek. I’ve heard what this man is capable of. Why is he being so gentle with me?

I don’t know what force pushed me to follow what my dad asked of me tonight. Going to the NSC leader’s house? Asking for a truce? Just because he fucked up and refused Nathan’s deal and we’re paying the consequences of having lost our town.

Or at least, I am.

There was a huge party when I showed up. A house full of NSC people who wanted nothing but to see me dead. The leader wasn’t there, but his two daughters were. Emma and Billie Scott. And his stepson, Xi, was there too. I was in their driveway, turning around, when he caught me.

Needless to say, the three of them and I have a tumultuous past. Hate is meaningless when you compare it to what the Scotts and my family feel toward each other. We’re mortal enemies.
