Page 31 of Lawless God

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Nate glances back at me, talking like this is the most obvious situation. “Isn’t that how it works in your shitty town? The day after the fight, the leaders of NSC and the Kings meet to discuss the new map of the town and how to restore order. That’s what I was told.”

“I’m not discussing shit with Emma Scott while tied to a chair in your fucking basement,” I grit out.

He looks me up and down, not caring about the distressing state I’m in. My brain could be bleeding right now, and he couldn’t give less of a shit.

“It looks to me like you don’t have a choice, Kayla.” The way he points it out, like I’m the crazy stupid one, makes me want to scream.

That’s what he does. He makes you lose your mind slowly, but with a steady intensity.

“Untie me, Nate.”

He doesn’t acknowledge my half-assed demand. “Remember, little sunflower. I have big plans for you. How you and Emma split the North Shore has zero importance to me, but she’s been doing good work for me for months, so she deserves her ridiculous reward. You, you be a good girl and nod your head when I tell you to. Once this is over, we can move on to more important things.”

“I’m not agreeing to any demands Emma makes. Not until I think about the impact it has on the people who count on me. I’m not going to give my entire town away.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me, probably surprised at my surge in energy. The fucker doesn’t know I would rise from the dead if it meant fighting against Emma Scott.

“Did you not hear me the first time?” There’s no irritation in his tone, he simply can’t seem to understand why anyone wouldn’t listen to what he orders. “I said you nod when I tell you to nod. You don’t need your voice for that, so don’t make me gag that cute mouth of yours.”

Narrowing my gaze at him, I stay quiet.

I will die before I let Emma think she can get more than she’s allowed. I will give back what we took, but I will not risk my people’s safety.

And Nathan White can go fuck himself.



Riptide - grandson

Being tied to a chair, at anyone’s mercy, while Emma Scott’s smug smile looks down on me is a humiliation I never thought I’d go through even in my worst nightmares.

I groan when she grabs my hair, her long claws scratching my skull as she forces me to look up at her. “Oof,” she sniggers. “That’s a nasty hit to the nose, Kay. Who got you so good? I’ll send them a thank you basket.”

I think hard to stay calm. I think of all the times I told my soldiers to act pragmatically rather than with pride.

And I fail.

I spit blood in her face, hitting the corner of her mouth.

“Stupid bitch,” she hisses, wiping herself with the sleeve of her leather jacket.

I try not to flinch when she pulls her fist back, ready to bring more pain to my already battered body.

“Emma.” Nate stops her right before her blow. Her angry eyes stay on me when he continues. “Be kind and don’t damage her.”

Emma’s eyes narrow on me, quietly promising this isn’t over.

“Can we move this along?” Nate’s bored tone makes mine and Emma’s feud seem pathetic. And that’s what it is to him.

But now that I know he won’t let her hurt me, I’m going to get inside her fucking head.

I look at the men standing behind her, one on each side, as if she needs bodyguards. Logan has always been close to her. The other is Law. His real name is Lawrence, but they like to think he lays down the law for Emma. They say that, but he’s just come back from a year of forced sabbatical after Ethan had butchered his face in a fight. Now he bears some nice scars done by my crew. I’m looking forward to humiliating her in front of who she clearly considers her most trusted guys.

“Remember the last time your crew had me tied to a chair, Emma?” I speak barely above a rasp, but it’s the words that count.

She stops moving for a few seconds, her eyebrows drawing close, as if wondering if I’m really going to bring this up. It wasn’t a good position for me, but I still believe it was worse for her.
