Page 46 of Lawless God

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Ethan is up in a split second, grabbing Jade’s hand and dragging her to the kitchen, and I’m assuming to the basement.

I’m only wearing Ethan’s pair of sweats and a tank top, but I don’t have a fucking choice right now, so I run to their back exit just as the police kick down the door.

Definitely bribed. They would at least have given us the chance to open if this was a legit arrest.

The cops run into the house, two of them grabbing Elliot, forcing him to kneel and put his hands behind his head. He knows better than to fight back in this situation.

I snatch the door open, ready to run, when I bump into a strong body. Stumbling back, I look up at Captain Martinez.

As dirty as they come.

“Kayla King,” he calls in his loud voice. “We’ve got a warrant for your arrest.” He shoves a document against my chest that I can’t even grab since he’s already getting a hold of my wrists. I’m facing Elliot again as he twists me around.

“How much is Nathan White paying you, Captain?” I grunt as he manhandles me and rids me of the gun on me. “Let me meet the price.”

He ignores my accusation. “You’ve got the right to remain silent…”

I zone out the rights I’ve heard a thousand times, instead focusing on my friend as Martinez cuffs me.

“Elliot,” I hiss, the metal cuffed too tightly around my wrist. “Get me the fuck out.”

His eyes focus on me, a thousand questions in them. I’ve never so desperately asked him for something. Especially not when we know I usually get arrested for a night or two in a holding cell before I throw a random alibi at them that people in my crew will confirm.

“Listen to me.” I try to stay calm as Martinez pulls me away, but I can’t when I know what’s waiting for me. “He’s going to force me to marry him. Don’t… Don’t let him come get me from the station. You need to get me out first, Elliot!”

I can’t even see his reaction, pulled away through the back door and to the alley at the back of their house.

“You’re a desperate fucking bitch, Martinez,” I spit at him as he opens his car. “Always switching to the winning side with no fucking morals.”

He ignores me as he forces me inside the cop car. Leaning in, he makes sure no one can hear me when he says, “If I had morals, I wouldn’t have accepted your bribes in the past, King. Now don’t make this worse for yourself and shut the fuck up.”

He straightens and slams the door in my face.

“Fuck!” I scream in the empty car, just before he and his partner sit in the front.

It’s the longest, most excruciating night I’ve ever had in the Silver Falls Police Station holding cell. I’ve been here many times, but in the last few years, I’ve always had special treatment. That’s what happens when the Bratva Wolves donate enough money to the right people. Like a well-constructed charity benefiting the Kings.

But there is no more deal with the Wolves.

No more owning the North Shore.

No more fucking special treatment.

My stomach drops when Martinez advances toward the overcrowded cell. I already had to punch an NSC bitch’s lights out when I arrived, and the anxiety of who is coming to get me out of here has been eating me alive.

So, when he smiles and calls King, I know Elliot didn’t manage.

“You’re being interrogated,” Martinez adds, as he cuffs my hands behind my back.

“Ah, of course. I hope the night wasn’t too long while you were making up something you could pin on me.”

With a shove between the shoulder blades, he forces me to advance. “You fucking wish I spent that kind of time on you.”

He makes me sit down in an interrogation room, facing a two-way mirror, and cuffs my hands at the front, to a metal bar drilled into the table.

I narrow my eyes at the mirror, wondering if Nate is behind it, laughing at my predicament, having the time of his fucking life.

Martinez leaves the room. It’s just me under the harsh light, between three gray walls and that mirror. I know he’s watching me, so I stay strong. I keep my face tight, my eyes hard.

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