Page 56 of Lawless God

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“Yes, and as we both know, I hate doing anything illegal.”

I grit my teeth, standing up to pull at the nightgown and give myself some sense of privacy now that he can’t see my pussy directly anymore.

“Don’t worry, little sunflower. Our license is perfectly valid. We can get married in three days when we have our appointment.”

He grabs me by the waist, lifting me so quickly and easily, it makes me dizzy for a second. Then he sets me down on a chair by a vanity and puts the breakfast plate in front of me. “Now eat. I’ve got work to do.”

Dropping a soft kiss at the top of my head, he leaves like this is a normal Monday morning. Like we’re a normal engaged couple, and he’s my loving fiancé going to work.

I eye the plate, then the room.

This can’t be my life…it just can’t.



Celebrity Skin - Hole

The water turns pink as I wash my hands. I lather my skin with soap for the third time, making sure to get the crimson liquid under my nails before I rinse again and turn the cold tap off. Grabbing the cloth Sam hands me, I turn back to the mess behind us.

The woman gagged and tied to a metal chair is still crying. She’s silent now, though. Her whimpers have quieted. Her husband is doing a lot worse. His chin to his chest, he struggles to breathe, and I can understand he’s been through a tough couple of days. They both have.

“Mr. Campbell,” I say casually as I walk toward him. Sam is still standing by the sink, observing us. “I apologize our meeting had to take such a complicated turn, but I did warn you to accept my first offer.”

He manages to lift his head, bloodshot eyes going to his wife. “You got what you wanted. Let my wife go.”

“Of course.” I nod toward Sam.

While he undoes the woman’s binds and helps her pull away the tape from around her face, I use my cloth to clean Campbell’s right hand of blood.

I made sure to cut off his pinky from the left hand so he could still sign with his right, but some blood splattered when I was beating up his face.

“Here you go.” I put a manila folder on the nearby table and drag his chair for him to face it. Opening it, I grab the pen in the pocket of my button-down and hand it to him. I undo the cuff holding his right hand to the arm of the chair.

“Take your time,” I tell him.

He looks down at the documents Garcia-Diaz drafted for us.

“They’ll kill me,” he sobs. “Please…they’ll kill me.”

Mr. Campbell’s chain of hotels has been very successful over the years. Of course it was when the Bratva Wolves were using it as an investment to wash dirty money. Then they’d take fees from Campbell’s profit.

I will keep its luxurious reputation going when I own the five East Coast hotels and wash my money with it. Unlike the Wolves, I don’t need a stranger as a third party between me and washing money. Whereas they had to go through Campbell, I can own the business and reap the profits. I have a little secret weapon for that.

First, I’m taking the businesses the Wolves have, making sure they know the biggest Cosa Nostra family is back and not fucking around.

I wasn’t meant to be part of the Cosa Nostra. Technically speaking, I have no idea how linked I ever was to them when I was born. I was too little when I was abandoned, barely a toddler. But there’s a reason Mateo Bianco, the head of the Bianco family, took me and my siblings in. He didn’t have kids, and he wanted a legacy. I was the eldest, followed by my younger sister and brother. Twins. I was responsible for following Bianco’s steps.

And I did exactly that. I did what I was taught when I put Bianco away. Cut off the head, kill the people who are too loyal to accept me in power, and take over the kingdom. Or, in this case, the Bianco family. I’m such a good student. It’s too bad some sneaky little thing put me in prison before I could enjoy it. But I’m back now, and business is booming.

Once I take over the Wolves, I’ll show the Cosa Nostra families—the Lucianos and the Rossis—that if I can take on the Wolves, they’ll have to step away from Stoneview and its surroundings. Leaving me to control the area.


When Campbell keeps crying instead of signing, the frustration gets to me. Why does everyone have to waste my time?

“Mr. Campbell.” I’m calm, but the undertone of annoyance in my voice tells Sam to bring his wife over by the hair. Her whimpers make him shiver.

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