Page 70 of Lawless God

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“You said if I did things you liked, you’d give me things I need in exchange.”

I try to read his reaction, but it’s impossible. Trying is like attempting to predict which way to swim when you’re stranded in the middle of the ocean.

“Ah, yes. You wanted a phone.”

“My crew needs to know what to do,” I lie. “I don’t want them to be in trouble because I can’t pass on what Emma and I agreed to.”

“And you didn’t do that when you hid at Elliot’s house?”

I gulp, feeling caught. “I did, but not everything. I was hurt, too. Concussion, remember? I just want to make things clear with him.”

“Sign the prenup,” he says calmly. “And then if you beg really nicely, I’ll give you that phone.”

My thighs press together. I know what begging looks like to Nate. I’m quick to feel the dampness between my legs, even if it’s discreet. I’m not wearing anything but a satin robe. The same one I had thrown out of the window. He put me to bed naked yesterday, left it on my bed, and locked the walk-in closet. So this morning I didn’t have a choice.

He lets go of my face, giving me what I’m sure he believes is a choice. I hold the pen tighter, draw my signature on his stupid prenup, and slam the thing on the desk.

“Here. Done.”

I thought I’d see a smile on his face, but there’s only entitlement. Because to him, there was no other way this was going to go.

“Very good. There’s an outfit on your bed. Go put it on, we need to leave soon.”

“The phone.” My voice is stern because that’s my default setting, but when I see the disapproval on his face, I repeat my request meekly... As much as I hate it.

“Um, the phone, please? I really need it.”

He straightens, pushing away from the desk. Grabbing the armrest, he swings the chair around so I’m facing him and leans down to face me. “Is that what you call begging, little sunflower?”

I always find it strange the way he adds little. I’m not little. Not physically and not in my behavior. I guess next to him, I am. I guess next to him, I’m nothing.

“Please, Nate,” I huff. “A phone is a basic need.”

“Food and water are basic needs. A bed is a basic need. I’m providing you with that. Anything else will come with begging on your knees.”

This is it, isn’t it? A taste of what every day of my fucking life will look like by his side. This is his revenge. This is what I knew would happen if he ever got out.

This is the risk I took by sending him to prison. By attempting to take him down.

“We will be running late to our appointment if you keep stalling, Kayla. Do you want a phone now?”

My eyes drop to my lap, my teeth gnawing at my lower lip. My pride is about to take the hit of its life, but I would do anything to get in contact with my family again. Even if it’s only been a few days.

I hold my breath as I get to my knees in front of him, sitting on the heels of my feet. I keep my eyes on the floor, my hands on my thighs, and my voice is barely a whisper.

“Please.” I gulp, my throat narrowing and choking me. “Can I have a phone?”

I ignore the sound of his buckle and squeeze my eyes shut when the zipper of his pants makes a loud noise as it lowers.

I feel him shift and sense his boxers lowering. A wave of heat from his skin hits me in the face, and in the next second, his fingers are pinching my chin, making me look up at his hard length in front of me.

“This is what seeing you on your knees does to me.”

He’s gripping his cock with his other hand, making it swell even harder. When he grazes the velvet tip against my lips, my body shudders. He must feel it at the tip of his fingers holding me because a slow smile spreads on his lips.

“I don’t need words for you to beg, little sunflower.”

The scent of his body wash mixed with the warmth of him against me makes me heady. There’s nothing more intoxicating than his attention. I have a sudden urge to open my mouth wide, to take him in and taste him. And the voice that should be telling me to wake the fuck up and not enjoy this is suddenly horrifyingly quiet.
