Page 97 of Lawless God

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My thoughts still focused on how to help with night terrors, I turn toward her voice. I barely catch her shadow when the pan hits me right in the side of the face.

The sharp pain drags a grunt out of me as I fall to the floor. My hand flies to my temple, feeling the wound, and up to my hairline.

I’m bleeding.

My ears ring and my vision blurs as I notice her towering over me, pan in hand. She looks down at my lying form, a beautiful, sick smile spreading on her lips.

“How’s your omelet, darling?”

That’s when I realize there’s cooked eggs all over the floor, and that the crazy woman hit me with a searing-hot pan she just used to make my breakfast.

I try to talk, but I’m still too dizzy. Taking a deep breath, I can smell the eggs on the floor next to me. I relish the sense of pride overwhelming me. Fuck, I’m so proud of her for still fighting back.

When I can finally look straight, I take in her determined eyes. I’m between her legs, each foot by my hips. She’s standing like the super heroine of a comic book.

Super-pan woman.

Shit, I think I’m concussed.

“You look so beautiful like this,” I rasp.

Her smile drops. “I’m leaving, Nate,” she snarls.

I laugh, my eyes fluttering closed. “Don’t. I’ll miss you.” I drag in a breath. “I’ll miss you when you go to prison for lying in court.”

There’s a practical growl leaving her. A fury she couldn’t hide if she tried. “I know I can’t leave forever. I am leaving to see my crew and my family. We’ll talk about your terms when I come back.”

My little sunflower knows the situation she’s in. She can’t run away. She just wants a little bit of freedom to see the people she loves. To take care of them.

That is absolutely out of the question.

No freedom for my wife.

No freedom for the person I want to possess so badly, I can barely have her out of my sight. For my new favorite obsession.

No freedom for the woman who is making me feel something I can’t name.

Not until I understand what’s going on in my body.

I murmur something, but she can’t hear it.


She leans down, lowering on her haunches and getting closer to me. I notice her fingers tightening around the handle of the pan, ready to hit me again if needed.

“I said.” I grab the back of her neck, holding her face close to mine. Before she can defend herself, I’ve pulled out my gun from my holster, and I’m holding the muzzle against her stomach. “Your crew is already here.”

Something dies in her gaze. Hope, I think.

“Fucking asshole,” she grunts.

“Here’s a lesson for you. Kill me or give up. Half-assed attempts at hurting me never work.”

I can see she agrees with the way her jaw locks and her eyes blink a few times. She’s got nothing to say to that. She knows I’m right.

“Now, drop the pan, darling wife.”
