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Asmodeus howled in anger as the ground trembled harder. He swung his arms widely, teetering precariously. If his hand holding Nadira made contact with anything, he’d hurt my daughter.

My daughter. Such a foreign word but my love for her grew stronger with every breath as my memories settled back in place.

While Michael continued to attack the incoming soldiers by the door, the vampire royals moved swiftly, either snapping heads with one twist of their hands or impaling them with daggers.

Victus climbed up one of the beast’s legs while Otis, Tank, and Snow continued to distract him.

“Let me go.” I gasped when the blade pressed harder on my throat. “This is your only chance to escape. I’m warning you.”

Rafael let out a mocking laugh. “My last chance? Do you know how many angel warriors I’ve killed for you? How many teams I decimated to get to this point? I am not just the Angel of Many Faces, I’m an angel with many lives.” His tongue slicked across my ear. “I can’t wait to take you back to our cave. You are mine, Little Dove.”

“Don’t call me that,” I seethed, slowly raising my leg that held the dagger inside my boot, but I couldn’t get to it. Damn it. “You don’t ever get to call me that.” My breath came fast and my voice grew louder. “You stole those words that meant something between two people who love each other. It means nothing to me when you say it. And I was never yours.”

He flinched, and the idea that I’d hurt him made me furious.

“Say goodbye to the crown prince.” His voice held a note of finality.

I had missed how Asmodeus grabbed Victus in his other hand, squeezing him. No. No. No. This couldn’t be the end. He couldn’t die after we found each other again. And Nadira, my child. Our child. Fate couldn’t be this cruel.

Nadira and Victus were my pillars of strength, hope, and dreams. My love. My life. My everything. I would do anything to protect them.

Searing heat lit my veins at my desperation and a bright light circled me. If Rafael saw it, he didn’t say anything, even as light burst out of my mouth as I screamed Victus’s name.

That power was something I’d never had nor felt before. Or perhaps a forgotten memory and my body knew what to do.

My cry shattered what was left of the glass dome and shards rained down on Levia and Dawn. They separated just as the beast’s arm that held Victus convulsed with a great force, and Victus … Victus … Saving Grace.

Black feathers poked out between Asmodeus’s knuckles, then his hand trembled as if any moment it would explode. His fingers were slowly forced apart, then Victus shot out like a bird free from its cage, shirt ripped in shreds with grand wings dark as night that had expanded from his back.

Chapter Forty-Four



Victus has wings? Feathers! The grand size of his wingspan, if it weren’t for the color, would categorize him as a Seraphim.

“He has Seraphim blood!” Rafael snarled as he tightened his hold on me and shot up toward the ceiling.

“Joleen!” Victus’s rage reverberated through the voice that boomed and his pain sliced through my heart.

Victus’s mighty wings flapped then launched toward Asmodeus.

“This is for laying a finger on my girl.” Victus gave Asmodeus one mighty punch to the face, causing him to stumble back and release our daughter.

Victus caught Nadira and handed her to Markane and barked an order. Then he flapped those mighty wings and tailed us to the sky.

We punched through the clouds one after the other and then took a nosedive downward, Victus hot on our tail. Thunder roared and lightning bolted across the horizon as gray clouds rolled faster and covered the sun.

I had seen the destruction in the dining room, but from up here, I got a glimpse of an expansive view. When Asmodeus impaled the dagger to the stone ground, it not only tore through the castle but spread, creating lines of hot lava every which way, passing through villages, farmlands, and wild fields.

Saving Grace!

“You could have prevented the end of humanity,” Rafael said to my ear, the wind rushing through me.

Just when I wondered what he meant, people came out of their homes screaming. Spirits, half skeletal and the other half with blistering skin, came out of the lava. When one of the demons entered a man running, the man’s body seared.

His body burned like that of the demon, then the man walked as if nothing happened to him. Not a man, but the spirit who had taken his body. But most human bodies burst into flames and ashes flew on the wind.
