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Hawk pulled her to sprawl across his chest, facing him, while his partner worked his slicked fingers against her asshole, making good on the promise that had thrust her orgasm. Slowly, he pressed, fucking her with one digit until she thought she might go mad. Then another, stretching her.

Soon, the slippery invaders fucked easily in and out of her while she pressed her face into Hawk’s neck, clinging to him as his hands ran over her. And when Cannon pulled away his fingers and slowly pressed his dick into her ass, she was lost. Ruined. Nothing but her two men would ever be enough for her. She’d never want any else.

“All night long,” Hawk promised against her ear. “We’re gonna fuck you all night long. And maybe, all day tomorrow, too.”

“Okay,” she breathed. What else could she say—even if she could form words? All night? All day? That sounded…good. Real good. And as long as she was with them, under them, nothing but pleasure could happen to her. They might fuck her into a mindless puddle, but she was completely safe in their arms.


It seemed weird to wake with a smile stretching her lips. Devon hadn’t even opened her eyes, and already, happiness made her want to stretch like a satisfied cat.

Only she didn’t.

Her men were asleep on either side of her, and she didn’t want to wake them. Especially Cannon, who finally slept, his insomnia finally gone for a moment. Besides, it was so good to lie there and just feel them pressing into her sides while she listened to them breathe. While she basked on the safety of being surrounded and loved by them.

They hadn’t said the L word—neither had she—but she knew it was there between them. Eventually, they’d share their feelings, but she didn’t need that for her to be content and yes, happy with where they had landed. Which was crazy, considering how much she’d worried about taking this step.

Cannon snuggled closer, kissing her shoulder in his sleep. From the other side, Hawk had his arm slung over her back.

The quiet intimacy was enough to lull her back to sleep.

Her brain had other ideas, though. Almost before she opened her eyes to stare into the pre-dawn gray shrouding the room, thoughts poured through her mind to push aside her momentary serenity. So many disjointed, tumbling musings fought for attention.

What am I going to do? That had been her first thought almost every day for over three years, a constant battle with finding the correct path forward.

What are you doing?

How will you be safe?

Unlike other days, the questions seemed less troubling this morning.

It wasn’t some magic sex cure; last night hadn’t solved her problems. But Cannon and Hawk had given her more pleasure than she could have imagined possible. And they made her feel safe.

Her issues still existed, though. No amount of sex and intimacy could give them a fairytale happily ever after, not without eliminating the men after her. But how could they? That dilemma seemed far to big for a single person to fight, even for three people since they were a trio now.

Was it a mistake to finally have sex with them? Even though she’d wanted it with everything in her? Even though it had felt so right when she’d come awake minutes ago?

Without question, it would make leaving even harder. It would make her existence even lonelier when they weren’t with her. How had Verity put it? Hell. It would be hell because she knew the perfection of being one with Hawk and Cannon.

Leaving was still Devon’s best option, though. Especially now that a man had shown up in town, looking for her. No matter what anyone claimed, the proverbial wolf was at the door, and he was about to prove her safety was nothing more than straw and sticks.

She sighed heavily, sad that the existence she’d built here was about to be wrecked.

Strong arms tightened around her, and she was pulled into a solid chest.

“We don’t need to be up yet, baby,” Hawk grumbled into her neck, his warm breath across her skin lifting goosebumps and reigniting her arousal. It wasn’t enough to push away her worries, though.

“I know,” she sighed, leaning into him. “But my brain won’t shut off.”

“Everything will be fine. We’ll figure this out, so don’t go running off in your head. We’re together in this; no matter what. Remember?”

Together. Could she accept that? Could she figure out how to believe it was true?

“Do you need me to distract you?” he asked.

“Yes. Please.” Her eyes drifted shut as his hand ran down her side and over her hip. “I’d really like that.”

“Whatever you want, I want that, too.” Hawk rolled her under him, as easily as if he’d done it a hundred times before. Pulling her knee high around his waist, he notched his cock to her slick opening. How was she was so wet already? Would it always be like this?
