Page 38 of The Cat's Mausy

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Felinus ignored them as he opened the surveillance for Issac’s office and brought the playback to around the time Little Volkov had stormed out.

“Does he know that’s in there,” Brutus asked, leaning to peer over Felinus’s shoulder as the playback showed Issac writing in a notebook.

“Yes, he clocked it the second I showed him the room,” Felinus said, waving him off. “Quiet, I want to hear this.”

The phone lit up next to his elbow and Issac answered it without glancing at the screen. He’d need to talk to him about at least looking at the number before answering any calls.

He watched the one-sided conversation in silence. Clearly, Little Volkov had tried to get Issac to reveal his location and get him alone. To what ends, Felinus wasn’t sure, though Little Volkov himself might not know judging by how he had acted at the table. Issac didn’t fall for it, either because of Felinus’s rule or because he didn’t want to be alone with Dimitri again after their fight. The camera didn’t give Felinus a very good look at Issac’s face but he could see the shift. The boss came out of Issac as he commanded Dimitri to stop whatever bullshit blabbering he was giving and told him where Dimitri was.

Felinus frowned. Had Bat or Tiger told him about the even table? He knew that Issac had knowledge of the structures, but even tables at a sit down weren’t the same thing. It was logical but it didn’t sound like a jump in logic someone would make. It sounded like preexisting knowledge… He blinked as Issac dropped his head to the surface of the desk hard enough to make a thud. Snake knocked on the door and Issac lifted his head slowly and gave Dimitri probably the first fully honest answer that he had ever given Little Volkov about being a liar. Felinus raised an eyebrow at his explanation of why lies were easier than the truth. He didn’t fault the explanation, but he did question how it seemed to be something Issac had thought about in depth before. Perhaps it was just something that people in his position thought about.

Issac was telling Dimitri that he wouldn’t have accepted his help and Felinus’s frown deepened as he almost parroted the Don about Dimitri being an honest man.

You know he had affiliations,he tried to reason with himself as his concern grew with each passing comment. You know he’s afraid of someone in the business. You know-

“That he’s a Capo and a Reaper,” Issac’s voice had become annoyed. “Yes, I’m very fucking well aware of that!”

Felinus felt cold despite the heater and tightened his fingers on the phone.

He watched Issac go stiff, realizing his slip and managed to change the subject on Little Volkov.

“Did he just-” Brutus started as Tiger turned around to look back at them.

“What is our time,” Felinus interrupted, still watching the screen.

“Forty minutes,” Bat said, his voice gaining an edge. “Felinus-”

“Halve it,” Felinus snapped. “Someone tell Snake he has until then to unseal those records.”

In the video, Issac had hung up the phone. Felinus watched him set it down, picking up his pen to start working again like nothing happened.

“Felinus,” Brutus said softly. “Talk to me.”

“There is nothing to talk about,” Felinus said tightly, his eyes still locked on the screen. He had been tricked, taken in by an apparently desperate mouse in need of help and instead, there was a rat in his-

Issac suddenly threw his pen across the room, followed by the two notebooks, his chair spinning slowly as he put his hands against his face then dropped down to his desk, covering his head with his arms.

“I’ll handle this,” he breathed, opening the live feed to see Issac slowly lifting himself from the desk to pick up the thrown items.
