Page 54 of The Echo of Regret

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I shut the rear of Leah’s truck, the items that didn’t sell packed snugly back in their boxes next to our folded-up tent and table.

“Congrats on your win.”

I glance at the small plastic trophy in my hand and shrug.

“It’s just third place.”

“Psht. You got robbed,” Bishop tells me, eyeing my costume up and down. “They only gave the first two trophies to those kids because they’re kids, you know?”

Snorting, I roll my eyes.

“But hey, I’m proud of you.”

My gaze flicks to his, surprise rolling through me.

“You used to talk about this competition every year, how you were going to enter and blow everyone away…and then you always found some reason not to participate. But you did it this year. You’re amazing.”

I swallow thickly as I stare at the peeling paint on the back of Leah’s truck, unsure how to process his praise. Eventually I just nod, knowing if I say anything, I’ll just sound like an idiot. I don’t handle stuff like that well.

“Thanks for your help today,” I finally say, redirecting the conversation entirely.

Bishop grins, leaning his hip against the tailgate and crossing his arms. “Thanks for asking me.”

“I didn’t ask. You offered.”

He narrows his eyes and hums. “Seems to me you said you were worried about having enough time to set up after class and get into costume. All I did was say I had extra hands.”

“Yes, you did. Thanks so much for offering those extra hands.”

He gives me a wide smile. “Fine, if you want to play this game, you’re welcome. Just remember that these extra hands are always available to you.”

I blush at the reminder of my comment earlier. I worry I pushed too far with that, not because I don’t think Bishop appreciated it—I’ve seen the heated way he’s looked at me, on more than one occasion—but because I’m nervous. We’re just starting to figure out this friend thing. I don’t want to do something stupid and fuck it up.

“So, still wanna get together this weekend?”

Licking my lips, I nod. “Yeah. I need to work, but we should be able to figure something out.”

He reaches out and tugs gently on my jacket, enough that I move forward just an inch. Nerves skitter down my spine as I gaze up at him, the world around us seemingly coming to a halt. I’m suddenly hyper aware of how close we are. I can feel the warmth from his large body, and I can’t help when my eyes dip slightly, taking in the soft outline of his lips. The bit of stubble growing on his jaw.

Bishop licks his lips and then opens his mouth, like he’s going to respond, and I wait with baited breath, wondering what it is.

But then he takes a step back, an uncertain expression flashing in his eyes just as Leah approaches us and chucks a large duffel bag into the bed of the truck.

“Good night, Bishop,” she says, then hops in and closes the door.

I blink a few times, the moment evaporating quickly, and tilt my head toward the truck, indicating that I need to go. “I guess I’ll…see you later?”

Bishop nods. “I’ll see you this weekend.”

I climb in next to Leah and shut the door, glancing at Bishop’s retreating form in the side mirror.

“You two are so getting back together.”

I turn, narrowing my eyes at her. “I don’t want to hear it, Mrs. Pulasky.”

Leah smirks, and we both bust out in laughter. Eventually, she puts the car in drive and heads down the road, taking us back to the house.

I don’t’ know what that was back there, with Bishop. But I do know that it’s becoming nearly impossible not to get lost in him.
