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I wink and take my seat. “I guess you’ll just have to find out.”

He stares at me for a moment longer before he closes the door and rounds the front, and then he’s climbing in on the driver’s side and getting us on the road.

My entire body feels like it’s vibrating, like the blood in my veins is pulsing and pounding, desperate for more of whatever kind of drug his kiss has introduced into my system. I remember random hookups when I was at school, and it never felt like this—like a fucking avalanche of sensation that can’t be controlled or corralled in any way.

Looks like I just need to hold on or risk getting swept away.

It’s only a few minutes from Lucky’s to South Bank Resort and Marina, the one hotel in Cedar Point, and my escort makes quick work of parking and getting us inside. Then through the lobby, into the elevator, up to the third floor, and down a long hallway.

As soon as the door closes behind us and we’re shrouded in the darkness of his room, we’re reaching for each other. My arms wrap around his neck and pull his mouth down to mine. His hands grip my ass and lift me up so I’m circling his waist with my legs. Then I’m pressed against the wall, his body snug against mine as we kiss for long moments, our mouths dueling, eager, needy.

That’s how he makes me feel. Needy. Like nothing I touch is enough. I just want more.

More. More. More.

Eventually he pulls me off the wall and carries me through the room, lowering me down so I’m sitting in front of him on the bed. Unable to help myself, my hands slip under his sweater and shirt to slide along the warm skin underneath, enjoying the feeling of the hard planes of his body. I’ve never been with anyone as big and muscular as he is. I may have joked in my mind earlier about him throwing me over his shoulder, but that fantasy isn’t a joke—and I think this is the guy to make it a reality.

He shifts, stripping his shirt and sweater off, and just like that, my mouth goes dry. The light in here is minimal, mostly just coming from the moon outside through the window, but damn if I am not impressed by everything my eyes can see.

“You are so gorgeous,” I say.

He steps into me, his own hands dropping down to tug at my top, his fingers moving slowly and sparking little fireworks as they brush along my skin.

“The feeling is one hundred percent mutual,” he replies as I untie the bow at my hip to release my wraparound top.

His eyes move quickly across every newly exposed piece of skin, like he’s trying to drink it all in. Then he’s pushing me back on the mattress and climbing over me and slanting his mouth against mine.

Suddenly it feels like everything is happening with urgency, as if we can’t get ourselves naked fast enough. I’m tugging off my jeans and he’s unbuttoning his belt, trying to get his off as well. We’re yanking at our own clothes and each other’s, all the while kissing and touching and grabbing.

Somehow, he manages to strip first, and before I can take off my panties, his hand is slipping beneath the fabric, the movement enough to freeze me in place. We both moan when one of his fingers slides through the wetness between my legs, my head falling back against the mattress at the delicious sensation.

He watches my eyes, his own heavy-lidded, his mouth open slightly as he strokes between my lips, as my breathing begins to pick up at the feel of his rough fingers between my thighs.

“What’s your name?” I pant, realizing I never asked.


I moan. “I like that name.”


Nodding, I decide to test it out. “Jackson,” I say, licking my lips. “Fuck, that feels so good.”

He groans, dipping his head and sucking on my neck. “It sounds good when you say it like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like a prayer.”

Then he takes that finger and slips it into me, watching with longing as I writhe beneath him.

“Like it’s the most important word in the world.”

His mouth returns to mine, nipping and biting at my lips before licking between them, his finger continuing to stroke in and out. In and out, his pace slow and steady, in no hurry.

It’s so at odds with the way things feel inside me, with the way my body is squirming in need. I am desperate for him. For his body, for his mouth, for him to stroke on that spot he slides against when he touches me so deeply.

My eyes want to close as he brings me closer and closer to the peak, but I force them open, loving the way he’s so focused on me. I’m lost in those steel blues that captured me from the first moment.
