Page 23 of My True North

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He sighed and shook his head again. “My parents still struggle with trying to get help for her, but I had to cut her loose. There is no helping someone who doesn’t want to change. Stealing from me was the last straw.”

Theresa nodded as she made her way toward the stairs. Now she had even more to discuss with Dr. Grayson. She needed a day off, some serious alone time to rest her brain and her nerves, and she didn’t see how she could manage the time or the place to make that happen. Her life had been so simple back when she’d been nothing more than a teacher and homemaker. Simple seemed like a great place to be right now.

* * *

“Good night, Charlie. I love you.” Theresa sat on the edge of her older son’s bed. She leaned down and kissed his forehead.

“G’night.” Charlie yawned and snuggled into his pillow. “Love you, too, Mommy.”

Theresa crossed the room to Jeremy’s bed. She had bedrooms enough for them to each have their own, and she’d given them the choice. They’d opted to turn one of the spares into a space where they could play, and the two had decided to share a bedroom. She had no doubt that would change once Charlie entered his teen years, but for now they seemed happy with the arrangement. They had each other, and she loved that they were close.

“Move over, Sully.” Theresa wedged herself between the puppy and her youngest. “Good night, sweetie,” she said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “I love you.”

“Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?” Jeremy asked, a note of sadness and pleading in his voice.

She got that prickly, pre-tear feeling at the back of her throat, and it took a few seconds before she could respond. “Oh, Jeremy, I hope he’s able to spend time with you and Charlie in the future, but right now he can’t. He’s not healthy, and until he gets better, he can’t be with you. Your safety and wellbeing are my number one priority.”

She brushed his hair back from his brow. “He won’t live with us again though. Your dad and I aren’t married anymore, and I’m so, so sorry about that. He’s going through a rough time right now, but you know he loves you two, right?”

“Does he love us enough to get better?” Charlie asked.

Where Jeremy’s tone had been pleading, Charlie’s held skepticism and bitterness. How much did he understand about his dad’s illness? Did Charlie know that his dad was in jail? He could’ve read about it somewhere, or one of the neighborhood kids could’ve told him.

Her heart broke for him. A child should not feel skeptical or bitter about anything. “I hope so, Charlie. I truly, truly do, for his sake and for ours.”

Sully whined as if picking up on the mood. He scooched forward and draped himself over her lap. “It’s okay, Sully.” She petted him. “You keep watch over these two. Make sure they don’t cause any mischief. Will you do that, Sully boy?” His tail thumped, and she swore she glimpsed understanding in his doggy eyes. She rose from the bed and tugged Jeremy’s blankets up over his shoulders.

“Love you, Mommy.” Jeremy turned on his side and put his arm around the puppy. Sully licked her son’s face and snuggled close to Jeremy. He let loose a doggy sigh of contentment.

“Love you more,” she whispered and left, closing the door behind her. She heard the sound of their murmuring voices, and she couldn’t help but wonder what they were discussing. Their dad, probably.

Only 8:30 p.m., and already exhaustion overwhelmed her. Today she’d done an interview and photo session, started the search for her mother, signed her divorce papers, and had her second session with Dr. Grayson. Life in the fast lane was exactly how it sounded—too fast and too emotionally taxing.

She dragged herself to her bedroom. Music played softly from Elli’s room. She was probably studying for her final. John had secured their fortress and activated the newly installed security system. Then he’d headed home or wherever it was he went after work.

The second book on her therapist’s list of must reads, a book about codependency—whatever that was—waited for her on her bedside table. She planned to go to bed and read until she fell asleep.

She’d just slipped under the covers when her phone began to ring. “What now?” she grumbled. Theresa got up and crossed the room to her dresser where her phone was plugged in. Picking it up, she glanced at caller ID, and her heart skipped a beat. Smiling like a fool, she hit accept and moved back to sit on her bed. “Hey, Caleb. What’s up?”

“Nothing really. I just thought I’d check in with you, make sure you’re okay. How was your day, Theresa?”

“Busy.” She bit her lip for a second. “I did something momentous today. Actually, several things, but the rest can wait until we’re together on Monday.”

“Tell me.”

She could tell from his tone that he was also smiling. His image flashed into her mind for the umpteenth time today. She loved the way his blue eyes filled with understanding, acceptance, and even approval when he looked at her. He had such an expressive face she could picture the look of curiosity he probably wore this minute.

“I began searching for my mother.” Briefly she described her mother’s disappearance from her life. “I always thought she wanted nothing to do with me or my brothers, but my therapist suggested that maybe she hadn’t been given a choice.”

“That is momentous,” he said. “I hope you find her, but, uh … hmm.”

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, Caleb. The search might not turn out the way I hope it will. I might be disappointed, but at least I’ll have closure. This sense of loss, the grief, and not knowing has never gone away, and I need to deal with the issue once and for all.”

“In that case, I’m glad you’re looking for her. If you need help or support, you know I’m here for you,” he said.

“Thanks. I appreciate having you in my corner.” She flopped back on her bed. “How was your day?”

“Pretty good. I’m looking forward to rehearsals and our next tour. I get antsy during these breaks. Any progress on the teacher situation?”
