Page 29 of My True North

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“Water would be great, thanks.” She followed him into his kitchen and set her purse on the table. “I’m really excited to record this song, Caleb. I’ve already started working on number two.”

“So, we’re working toward an album together?”

She laughed. “Yep, I guess we are.”

His heart did a back flip, executing a perfect landing, arms raised in triumph.

“We’ll have to figure out the money part of our partnership,” she said.

He waved a hand in the air as he walked to his fridge for a couple of cans of sparkling water. “Mary will take care of all that stuff. We just need to focus on the music.”

“Oh, right. I forget I have people to do stuff for me.” She accepted the water from him. “We’re taking these into your studio?”

“Nope. I thought we’d practice and get warmed up at the piano first. We’ll move to the studio once we’re ready to record.”

“Okay. You’ll sing backup for me, won’t you?”

“Sure.” Her request brought on a grin he couldn’t contain, and he gestured toward his family room and the upright piano. He took a seat and placed his water on the one of the coasters he kept on his piano. Theresa sat beside him, close enough that her warmth and his mingled in a way that sent his blood rushing. He played a few chords, and she did her voice exercises.

“Ready?” he asked, opening the musical score.

“Yes.” She set her water on a coaster and drew in a long breath.

He began to play, and she started with the solo vocal run at the beginning, which sent a pleasurable thrill down his spine.

“Ohhh, I’ve got to go now. I’m out of tears to cry.

I’ve given up confusion, no longer wonder why.

Baby, I’m leaving you, though you’re already gone.

My heart did not believe it, I see now I was wrong.

I don’t blame you, baby. I do understand.

Nobody ever taught you what it means to be a man.

It’s not what you took from me; It’s what you left behind.

The way you ran from honesty, the times you were unkind.

I’m no longer waiting in case you change your mind.”

She belted out the chorus again, and he added his voice to hers. Theresa took a breath in preparation for the next verse, and he played the in-between riff. She began another vocal run, no words, just pure spine-tingling sound that went straight through Caleb, and he added the harmony.

“Oh, I’ve got to set a new course, looking to the stars above,

letting go of this sorrow, done mourning this loss of love.

I wish you all the best, and I hope one day you’ll see.

The truth about your leaving, it is your legacy.

Yeah, the truth about your leaving, it is your legacy.”

They sang the chorus together twice more, his baritone to her soprano intertwining perfectly. He continued four bars on the piano, and it was finished.

“Damn. That sounded great,” he said, gazing at the amazing woman beside him.
