Page 32 of My True North

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“The bedroom?” he asked, nipping her earlobe.


Caleb took her by the hand, and they hurried down the hall like a couple of horny teenagers. Theresa laughed, throwing all the reasons why this shouldn’t happen to the wind. Hadn’t she wanted him? She’d dreamed about this happening since their walk on the beach last week, maybe even longer.

Caleb toed off his shoes and tugged off his shirt, growling low in his throat as he watched her take off her blouse. “Goddess. Definitely a goddess,” he rasped out as she unfastened her bra and let it drop to the floor.

Stripped bare, they fell into bed together, and Caleb’s kisses grew more demanding. His hands elicited electric currents of arousal wherever he touched. He stroked her breasts, leaving kisses in the wake of the pleasure he kindled.

“See? These are beautiful.” He cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumbs over her sensitive nipples. “If beauty pageants existed for breasts, these two would win first prize.”

She’d nursed both her babies. Her breasts had stretchmarks. They weren’t what she’d call perky anymore either, yet he found them beauty pageant worthy? “I love your sense of humor and the way you make me laugh.”

He mock-frowned at her. “Not exactly what I was going for. Sexy. Don’t you think I’m sexy?”

Laughing, she nodded. He continued to rub his thumbs over her now hardened nipples, skimming her flesh with his lips and tongue. A thrill arced straight to her center, causing a throb of desire. Words were beyond her, and a throaty moan escaped her. He kissed and petted his way down her sides.

“You are so incredibly soft, so warm … delicious,” he murmured, nipping at her hip. I swear I’m telling the truth, Theresa. You are beautiful and desirable. If not my words, then believe this.” He came back up beside her, took her hand and placed it on his cock standing at attention.

She stroked him from base to tip, and he shivered at her touch and hissed out a breath. He made her feel beautiful, desirable, and all the things she’d longed to experience in a man’s arms. He explored her, exclaiming over every part of her body. He even kissed her fingertips telling her how each one was perfect. Theresa let go of her inhibitions, let go of her insecurities and luxuriated in the novelty of feeling so cherished.

She ran her hands over Caleb, this amazing, sexy man. His lean hardness pressed against her set her blood boiling. Their kisses grew even more passionate, more desperate, and her tongue danced with his. She didn’t want this to end. She wanted what they were sharing to go on and on for hours.

“I need to get a condom from the bathroom,” he whispered against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

“IUD,” she murmured back.

“Goddess, perfection, beautiful … I’m clean and disease free.”

“Me too.” She’d had bloodwork done after David had moved out. She’d needed to know for certain he hadn’t passed anything to her since he’d been sleeping around.

Caleb’s hand went to her sex, touching, stroking her to a fever pitch. She arched into him, needing more, wanting all of him. Rising to his knees, he spread her thighs. His gaze roamed over every inch of her, his expression reverent and incredibly hot at the same time. She should feel embarrassed to be so exposed. Instead, his perusal had her panting. He took his cock in hand, lowered himself, and used the head the same way he’d used his fingers. He rubbed her clit and kissed her as he rocked back and forth, driving her to the pinnacle of sensation.

She climaxed, and he entered her as the last tremors racked through her. He began moving then, in slow, deliberate thrusts. Her insides began to coil, the fire building all over again as he touched places inside her she hadn’t known existed. He increased the speed, the force, shifted the angle, and the sounds of pleasure coming from him were music to her soul.

She went over the edge, this orgasm far more powerful than the first. He followed, throwing his head back while in the throes of his own climax. He collapsed beside her. Caleb smoothed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead, cheeks and chin. He smiled at her, looking entirely sated and incredibly handsome.

“That was life altering, Theresa,” he whispered. Caleb put a leg over hers, and snuggled her close with an arm around her waist. “Give me a minute to recover before we have to dress, and then we’ll go to dinner.”

“Okay.” Theresa basked in the afterglow of the best sex she’d ever had in her life, and Caleb nuzzled her neck. His breathing grew steady, and after a few soft snores, she realized he’d fallen asleep. A minute after that, her mind began to spiral.

What had she done? Caleb was her friend. She’d crossed a line. She’d been the one to kiss him—the one to start what followed when she should’ve backed away. Worse, he was her band’s director. She’d violated their professional relationship.

Oh God. Had she ruined their friendship? He was the only man she’d ever felt comfortable with in her entire life, and now things would be awkward between them. What if they stopped making music together because of this? What if he didn’t want to work with her anymore? What if he quit the band? She’d be lost.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Theresa! Steel banded her chest. Her heart pounded so hard she feared it might explode, and she couldn’t breathe. The need to get away overwhelmed her. Theresa dangled one leg over the edge of his bed. Once her foot hit the floor, she began a slow slide out of Caleb’s embrace. Gathering her clothing as she went, she tip-toed out of the bedroom. Theresa dressed as she headed for the kitchen, grabbed her purse, and hurried to the door, only to stop. Running off without a word would only make things worse.

Retracing her steps, she searched the kitchen counter for something to write on. She found a pile of mail and snatched up an envelope and turned it over. She fished a pen out of her handbag and wrote him a note, propping it up against his coffee maker. Then she made a quick exit, got in her car, and set out for home.

Somewhere between Ventura and Santa Barbara, she began to cry. Her tears continued all the way home. She’d probably ruined the best relationship she’d ever had. Somehow, on some level, she knew her tears came from a much deeper place within her—so deep she couldn’t put her finger on one exact reason. What happened with Caleb might’ve been the trigger, but not the source of this overpowering grief and regret.

A lifetime of accumulated emotional shit had caught up with her, and tonight’s disaster had set free this deluge of tears. None of what she felt had anything to do with Caleb, yet she’d left him to deal with the confusion. Not fair to him at all, but she had no idea how to navigate her way through the mess she’d made.

* * *

Hunger woke him. Damn, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Caleb stretched and reached for Theresa. She wasn’t in his bed. He came fully alert, listening for her. His house had that familiar empty feel, and it was far too quiet. He glanced at the clock on his dresser. Damn, they’d missed their dinner reservation. Why had she let him sleep?

A niggling apprehension buzzed through his mind. His head throbbed slightly, and his mouth had gone dry. He got up, pulled on his boxers and headed for the kitchen. There he found the note she’d left propped up on his coffee maker.
