Page 34 of My True North

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Note to self: Talk to Dr. Grayson about my illicit relationship with anything containing flour, butter, and sugar. Oh, and chocolate.

Mentally occupied with self-recrimination over pretty much everything, she continued to stare out the window at nothing in particular. Arriving early to talk to Caleb hadn’t worked. So, she’d just have to stay later after the return trip to Ventura. Her gut wrenched at the thought of the conversation she needed to have with Caleb, and by the time they reached the soundstage, she was a bundle of nerves.

The rest of the band had already arrived if the cars in the parking lot were anything to go by. Good. They could get right down to work.

She searched for Cookie the moment she walked inside, finding her immediately. “Oh, Cookie. You look great!” Theresa said, eyeing the attractive singer whose short hair had been dyed a neon blue. Was her hair color choice a gender reveal for her baby? She handed Cookie the gift bag and glanced at the singer’s baby bump. “Caleb told me you were pregnant. When are you due?”

“Oh, thanks. I’m eighteen weeks, so I’m due around the end of our tour.” She beamed.

Theresa’s other two backup singers, Allena Haskins and Lalita Kelly, joined them, along with an unfamiliar woman.

“Theresa, this is Katie Baxter,” Cookie told her, waving toward the stranger. “She’ll be taking my place if I don’t make it to the end of the tour. Caleb brought her on now to rehearse with us so she’ll be ready to step in while I’m on maternity leave.”

“Oh, right. That makes perfect sense.” Theresa held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Katie. Welcome to the group.”

“Thank you. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have this opportunity, Ms. Rhodes,” Katie enthused as she shook Theresa’s hand.

“Please, call me Theresa.”

“So, what’s in the bag?” Cookie asked, holding up the gift.

Theresa waved a hand toward the gift. “See for yourself.”

Cookie set the bag on the table holding bottled water, coffee, and a variety of other beverages. She removed the light blue tissue paper and drew out the blanket and matching sweater. “Oh, my God, these are adorable! The yellow ducklings against the light blue are perfect.” Cookie grabbed the card and handed the blanket and sweater to Lalita so she could open the envelope.

Did you make these, Theresa?” Lalita asked.

“I did.” She nodded, pleased with their reaction.

Allena reached out and slid her palm over the sweater. “This is so soft.”

“They’re precious, and I love them.” Cookie gave Theresa a quick hug. “These will definitely go into the keepsake box to pass down.” She accepted the set back from Lalita and put them back in the bag. “Thank you so much, and for the gift card too. We’ve just started decorating the nursery, so the card will come in handy. You’ll have to come see the room when we’re done.”

“I’d love to.” Theresa didn’t even know where Cookie and her husband lived, or what the singer’s husband did for a living, but that would change.

“Let’s get to work,” Caleb called out, and everyone drifted to their places. Chairs had been set up beside instruments and music stands so they could sit during discussions and feedback. The crew was busy setting up amplifiers, speakers, and microphones. Caleb circulated, handing out the set list and the musical scores clipped together in packets with each bandmember’s name at the top.

“Before we start the set list, I want to share Theresa’s newest song. We need to begin rehearsing this right away. I want to be ready to record as soon as we get the call. You’ll find your scores at the top of the pile after the set list.”

Caleb gestured to one of their tech crew, and she started the song. Music filled the soundstage, and Theresa sucked in a breath. He’d chosen the track where she’d sung harmony over the original.

Memories of that night swamped Theresa. Caleb had been so tender and considerate. He’d made her feel precious, and she could almost believe he really did cherish her. He’d said their lovemaking had been life-altering for him, and then she’d fled. It was all she could do to keep the tears from falling.

* * *

Caleb pretended to adjust the rearview mirror so he could catch a glimpse of Theresa. She’d taken the backseat again for the return trip to Ventura. Once again she stared out the window, her expression inscrutable. No matter how miserable he was, she’d made it clear she wanted her space, and he’d given it to her. He’d made several attempts to talk to her, and she’d ignored them all. He just had to let it go until—and if—she came to him. And if she didn’t? He’d be okay. What choice did he have?

“Great rehearsal,” Jeffery said once they hit US-101. “Good set list. I really like the arrangement you worked out for that Chris Isaak song we’re doing. You’ve come up with a perfect mix of Theresa’s songs blended with the new stuff. It’s fresh, Cal.”

“Just doing my job,” Caleb murmured.

Their drummer slapped a rhythm on his knees with his hands. His right leg bounced, and his head bobbed. “You practicing the new song there, Jeff?” Caleb teased.

“Yeah. Sorry. Drives my wife crazy when I do this.” He grinned. “Mind if I connect to your car’s Bluetooth and play some tunes?” he asked, pulling his phone from his back pocket.

“Not at all. Go ahead.”

“Is it all right with you, Theresa?” Jeff twisted around to ask her.
